Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Radical Attraction - A Law of Attraction Story

Chapter 8

Radical Attraction is a novel of a Steve's adventures which involve in the visitation of difficulty and disaster. Through these disasters, Steve meets the mysterious Gus. A gentelman of suspect fashion sense he takes Steve under his wing and introduces him to the Law of Attraction. 

It seems Gus has a "secret" system  which utilises the Law of Attraction and he begins to teach Steve how to create the things he desires in his life.

In this chapter Steve gets into "Intending" and "Expectation" to create his desired life, but an exepcted discovery rocks his world.


Steve felt energised and excited after his meeting with Gus. With a spring in his step he went back to his car. Whilst he walked, he pulled out his phone and looked through the intentions he had entered in his phone on Saturday. Reading the list empowered him and made him feel good. Reaching the car, he got in and made his way through the traffic towards work. As he drove his mind raced through Gus’s second stage.

“Expectation! Yes! What am I expecting?”

Steve’s thoughts then moved back to the intention list in his phone.

“I intend to be a great Dad. What am I expecting? I am expecting…….I am expecting a struggle with money and giving the kids enough time. I am expecting difficult times with Stephanie and Joel missing the presence of their mother.”

“Hmmm.” Steve could see that his expectations were not alignment with his desire to be a great Dad.

“Think what I want.” He said to himself as looked to modify his expectations so that they better reflected his desires.

He shuffled ides around in his head. Finally he came up with. “I expect to have great times with my kids, enjoying my time with them and having fun.  I expect an easy flow of money. Yep. That’s better!”

Good feelings filled his body as he focussed on visions of him enjoying hanging with his kids and him having enough money to do lots of great things.

At a set of traffic lights he looked at the next intention on the list.

“I intend to be happy and positive.”

What was he expecting?

“I am expecting…….worry and stress. I am expecting struggle.”

Once again he looked to change his expectations so they better reflected his desires.

He said to himself. “Think what I want.”

“I expect good times as I rebuild my life.” He continued. “I expect to be calm and positive. Yep! That’s it!”

He enjoyed the calmness and confidence that came with these thoughts.

Next. “I intend to be prosperous and abundant. What am I expecting?”

“Mmmm.” Steve’s mind filled with all the anguish and difficult times that he had had because of money and not being able to buy the things Jenny wanted.

“No! Think what I want! Think what I want!. He persisted. “I expect success in my work. I expect to always enough money to pay all the bills and do all the things wanted. I expect to refurbish and renovate the house. I expect to take the kids on an overseas holiday. I expect to look after my Mum.”

Once he started it was hard to stop, as lots of great expectations filled his mind, stimulating positive and uplifting feelings.

He continued to work through his intentions list and before he knew it he was rolling into the car park at work.

Everybody was surprised but pleased to see him at work and they were full of questions about the trail of destruction that had made a swathe through his life. He received a hearty handshake from his boss, George, who was very interested in his wellbeing, to the point of ushering into his office for half hour chat over a cup of coffee. They discussed his safety, the kids, Jenny and what the company could do for Steve in his time of need.  Steve appreciated all the attention, but he told George that he just wanted to get on with job and do his very best. Walking from George’s he made his way back to desk, which had a stack of messages awaiting his attention.

He went to begin to work his way through the messages but stopped to think.

“Think what I want. Ok. What do I intend?”

Once again he referred to his phone list.

“Well…. I intend to excel in my work.”

He felt the positive momentum of this thought and how good it would feel to excel.

“Expectation?  I expect to make great sales. “

He could see himself writing up contracts for a bunch of new customers. He felt
energised and enthusiastic. He picked up the phone and started making calls.

He worked his way through a mixture of calls that included people who were concerned for his safety, service issues, technical questions and two prospective new customers confirming they’d like to sign up and one of his best customers calling with a great sales lead. Magic!

The morning flew by and in the afternoon he went out to do some sales calls and sign up the two new customers. A very pleasurable afternoon it was. On the way home he dropped off at Joy’s to see the Joel and Stephanie. They had had a good day at school and were very pleased to see him. Joy offered steak and salad for dinner, which he gently decline, as wanted to get home and see if there was any work needed on the fire damage to make safe.

Kissing the kids goodbye Steve made for home. Stopping the car in front of the gates that led to the garage, he jumped out, collected a stack of mail from the letterbox opened the gates and resuming the driver’s seat, he drove the car into the garage. Once inside the house he sorted through the mail, which consisted of a mix junk mail, bills and a statement from the bank. 

He opened the  bank statement and stared at the litany of withdrawals and charges, which were the evidence of Jenny plundering their finances. He shook his head and swore under his breath at the brazenness of Jenny’s thievery.

There was one letter left, addressed to Jenny, which bore a logo that he didn’t recognise. It said CRU Insurance. He scratched his head. He was sure he didn’t have a policy with them. After the mess that the bank statement detailed, he didn’t feel a shred of guilt as he tore open the envelope and removed the contents.  He unfolded the parchment paper it contained and just about fell over when he read it. It stated:

This confirms the insuring of the life of:

Steve Watkins

Insured Amount $5,000,000

“What!” He read down further.


Jenny Watkins

He couldn’t believe his eyes. Did this mean what he thought this meant? Anger surged through his body. Was his wife Jenny the mastermind behind the four attempts on his life?

It couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t! How could someone with whom he spent 15 years of his life be behind attempts to kill him?

He sat on a chair, put his head in his hands and sobbed.

Steve was so devastated he couldn’t contemplate dinner. The planned work on the house was scrapped and he spent a fitful night attempting to workout what to do.

In the morning he headed for the refuge of Phi’s “Spotted Dog CafĂ©”, where he imbibed three of the strongest coffees that Phi could extract from his espresso machine. Steve still didn’t feel much for food, but as the caffeine surged through his body he began to gather some composure and decide what he should do.

Phi was concerned with how Steve looked and was even more worried he refused one of Phi’s famous breakfasts. Steve wasn’t ready to talk to anybody about his fateful discovery the previous evening, but realised he probably needed to go and see the detective who was handling the arson case for his house.

He let work know, that yet again, he would be late for work. At the police station, they called the detective down from his office. Soon they were in a meeting room where Steve explained what he found, handing over to Senior Detective Jones.

As he read the document his eyebrows raised.

“Well this is something!” He exclaimed. “It looks like your wife had $5,000,000 good reasons to want you dead Steve.”

“I know. That’s what I thought.” Replied Steve. “I just can’t believe it. I can’t believe she’d do such a thing.” And he shook his head.

“I know it’s hard to believe. She didn’t tell you about this policy did she Steve?”


“And it is an unusually large amount to insure your life for?”

“Yeah, it is.”

“So we can only assume it was part of a plot.”

“I just can’t believe it.” Steve muttered again, shaking his head.

“So what do we do now?”

“Well I think we’re going to have to issue a warrant for her arrest. Have you got a photo of her?”

Steve hunted through his wallet and pulled out the snap of Jenny that he always carried and hand handed it over to Senior Detective Jones. He gave it a quick glance and placed in a folder that he had brought with.

“Have you got any idea where she might be.”

Steve shook his head. “None. I cam home on Friday and she had taken everything that wasn’t nailed down. She’d been through our bank accounts and credit cards and basically left me and the kids with nothing!”

“Wow!” Exclaimed the detective. “And not satisfied with that, she’s tried to have you killed! Amazing! People always seem to be able to find a way to shock you.”

“Yeah.” Agreed Steve.

“Ok Mr. Watkins. Leave it with us and we’ll do our best. Have you got one of my cards?”

Steve confirmed that he had. They exchanged goodbyes and then Steve trudged out to the car still wrestling with the fact that his wife was a potential murderer and he was the target!

The day dragged on from here. He went to the office, but the magical occurrences of the previous day had evaporated and he became bogged down in what seemed a never ending of customer issues and problems. At the end of the day he escaped the office feeling beaten and bloody. He went to Joys for dinner with the kids but did not breathe a word of their murderous mother.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Radical Attraction - A Law of Attraction Story

Radical Attraction is a novel of a Steve's adventures which involve in the visitation of difficulty and disaster. Through these disasters, Steve meets the mysterious Gus. A gentelman of suspect fashion sense he takes Steve under his wing and introduces him to the Law of Attraction. 

It seems Gus has a "secret" system  which utilises the Law of Attraction and he begins to teach Steve how to create the things he desires in his life.

In this chapter Steve "Thinks what he wants." And Gus reveals his second secret.

Chapter 7

Steve pulled into the driveway of the house. It was about 9-30 Pm when Steve arrived home from Joy’s, having shared dinner with her and the kids, before putting Stephanie and Joel to bed. The house was dark but it was easy to see the charred scars up the side of the house and the police had left their mark, “decorating “ the front yard with copious amounts of crime scene tape.

The day at Puffing Billy had been a great escape, but arriving back at the house, he landed back to earth with a thud. He became overwhelmed by the occurrences of the last few days and as he flopped in front of the new TV with a beer, he wondered how the hell he was going to get out of this. A fleeing wife, who had done her best to put him into poverty and a crazy assassin who wasn’t very good at his job! What the hell! How was he going to live with his kids and sanity intact!

So pervasive were these negatives feelings that he just wanted to curl up in the foetal position and forget about it all. He succumb to a second beer in the hope it might encourage sleep he finally dragged himself to bed around 11-30Pm and he gave into to the emotional exhaustion and had a fitful nights sleep.

In the morning Steve arose, not feeling particularly rested or invigorated. Even after some toast and some very strong coffee, he didn’t feel very well equipped to face the day. As he started the ignition he had that funny persistent feeling that he had experienced a couple of days previous. So instead of heading for the office he once again headed for the park in what seemed to becoming a habit. As he got closer to the park he felt a little pang of anticipation of what might be ahead of him. Once at the park he made a quick call to his boss, explaining that  once again disaster had entered his life and made an excuse that he had to go and make a statement to the police before coming to work. To himself, he wondered how long they would be patient about all these interruptions to his to his work.

He strolled into the park and made for the number one bench. It was vacant, so Steve settled his ample posterior on the teak bench, enjoying the sunshine and morning performance of the ducks and swans. He hoped Gus would arrive, but minutes pasted and he became anxious about when Gus would arrive. Maybe the feelings he had felt were wrong. He was being so stupid, believing that such feelings could be a guide to what he should do. The thoughts and feelings went round and round as he progressively beat up on himself. Becoming increasingly distressed by all these negative feelings he finally rejected the place he had gotten himself to and thought:

“Think what I want.”

In his minds eye he saw Gus strolling into the park in his adventurous sartorial splendour. He felt relief from all the stressful feelings he allowed himself to reguurgitate. He thought of how he had enjoyed their previous chats and how much fun it had been. The revellery he was enjoying was suddenly interrupted by:

“Good morning!”

It was Gus!

“I thought I’d meet you here.” Began Gus.

“Well isn’t that strange, because I had a really strong feeling that I would meet you here! I was going to work when I felt I had to come here! “

“So you followed your feelings.”

“I guess I did.”

“Good. So what do you think this is pointing to.”

“I don’t know.” Replied Steve. “I guess I wanted someone to talk to. You wouldn’t know Gus, but someone tried to burn my house down on Saturday night!”

“O my God. That’s terrible. But I’m afraid that doesn’t surprise me. I had a really strong feeling I needed to be here this morning. I feel terribly for you Steve. Another attempt on your life just seems outrageous. If it weren’t so serious, it would be laughable. What are the police saying?”

“They’re as dumbfounded as I am, but they’re taking it all very seriously now. My kids are staying with their grandmother until we can sort things out.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah, but it’s pretty tough on them.”

“No doubt! I’m sure they’d want to be with they’re Dad. “

“Yeah. But we had a great day out yesterday. We all had a lot of fun and I think that has helped heaps.”

“Good! How did you go with my first stage, “Intending”?”

“Good! I’ve intended lots of things!”

Steve explained to Gus about how he “intended” great things for his life and described how empowered and good it made him feel.  He went onto described how he also intended when he was overcome by negative feelings and this enabled to stay on the path that he desired.

 “That’s great! Feeling good is very important. It shows you are in alignment with their higher self.”


“Another way to put it is that our feeling your feelings are your compass.”

“A compass? How?”

“Well your feelings point you in the direction of your better life.”


“Well it makes sense really. Good feelings indicate wellness and happiness and you’d have to agree that these are keys goals of life.”

“Yep I’d have to agree with that!”

“So if your good feeling intentions are pointing to a place which brings you happiness and wellness life can only bring positive things into your life.”

“I get that! Brilliant!”

“ So maybe you’re ready for the next step.”

“Ok. Sounds good! I’m ready.”

“So the second stage of creating is ‘Expectation’.”

“Expectation?” Replied Steve who was somewhat confused. “How does that work?”

“Ok. When we are intending we are announcing our desires. Right?”


“So when we are  “intending” we are in essence asking for our desires.”

“Ok.” Confirmed Steve.

“By moving to “Expectation”, we are moving to a position of receiving our desires.”

“Right….” Steve was uncertain about this progression.

“So let me explain it like this. Say you intend to get a new giant TV. Ok. What are the normal types of thoughts that you might have about getting this TV?” Begins Gus.

“I might think that it’s too expensive and I can’t afford it. That’s it is a silly idea and a waste of money.”

“So all you thoughts are about reasons why you can’t get the TV. Right?”


“So what are you expecting? Are you expecting to get a new TV?”

“No. I am thinking there’s no way I can get a big TV.”

“Right! So you are expecting failure. Right.”


“And do you think is likely to be the path to success?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Are you thinking what we want?”

“No. We’re thinking of what we don’t want.” A light seemed to on in Steve’s head.

“If you remember when we talked about the Law of Attraction and like attracting like? What are these thoughts likely to create?”

“They’re going to keep you separated form the TV because all I am finding is reasons for not having the TV!” Exclaimed Steve. It was like an epiphany.

“So after we “intend” we need to pay attention our “Expectations”. Are we expecting our desired to be fulfilled or are we expecting failure.  Are we wishing and hoping that in spite of our negative expectations, our desires will some how be fulfilled?” Gus continued to explain.


“It can be like magic. So what type of thoughts do you think you might need to hold to achieve your big TV?”

“Ah. You might think about going to the electrical store and choosing one.”

“Good. What else?”

“You could think about how it would look in your living room.”

“Yep. And it you are thinking these thoughts focus on the feelings you would have when you’re watching your favourite program on this great new TV.”

“So you have to think and feel that you have it and not think about how come you don’t have it!” Spurted Steve.

“You’re a genius!”  Responded Gus. “Fantastic!”

A broad grin spread across Steve’s face as he felt the glow of success.

“Go to the top of the class Steve. I really think you’re getting the hang of this. Ok. You’re going well. So what was one of the things you intended?”

“Umm……I intended to be prosperous and abundant.”

“Oh good. The easy ones first.” Said Gus sarcastically. “What sort of expectations do you think you need to hold to create this in your life? So I expect to…”

“Umm….I expect to do well at work. No…….I expect to excel in my work.”


“How about I expect to make great sales?”

“Yep, ok. What do you feel about money, because this is always the tricky one.”

“ I expect to have lots of money…..No. No. I expect to receive a steady stream of large sums of money!”

“There’s no holding you back, is there?” Chuckled Gus.

“Well if you’re going to go for it, then you might as go for gold!”

“Fair enough.” Replied Gus. “What else?”

“I expect happiness and joy!”

“Excellent! This is very important, because real happiness doesn't come through money alone.” Advised Gus.

“ So true.” Agreed Steve. “But a lot of people think it does.”

“Ok. So now you know the second step. You can’t just ask for your desires through intending. You also have to expect to receive your desires. You can’t desire something and hold expectations that you won’t receive it, because the chances that you will receive will become very low.”

“ But what if it seems there is little chance of your desire happening. I mean what if there seems there is no logic to it happening. What do you do?”

“Well this is where you have to be a little illogical. If you always defer to logic, the only things you can create are bound by so called logic. You can only receive those things that by reason seem possible. But if you want to receive the amazing you have to expect the amazing.”

“Wow!” Gasped Steve.

“What we are aiming for here is almost magic. Things that aren’t supported by logic or reason. Things that are not bound by the limitations of our thought, but instead, thoughts that represent infinite possibilities.”

“Double wow! “ Exclaimed Steve.

“So there maybe times that you may have to suspend your belief. Put aside reason and logic. It can feel a little weird and silly and our open up to the infinite possibilities of your imagination.”

 “Amazing! That is deep Gus. That is really deep!”

“I guess it is deep, but it is important to open up to our greatest dreams and desires so that we can have the best possible lives.”

“You’re right! That’s what we should all desire! The best possible life.”

“That is the truth of it.” Agreed Gus.

“So I need to ask for my desires by intending. Then I need to build my ability to receive by building my expectations!”

“Spot on Steve!” Laughed Gus. “You’re starting to start to sound like me!”

“Thankyou very much. Now I guess you’re going to disappear on me?”

“You are starting to know me as well! Yes. It’s time for me to go. I hope I helped you today.”

“Yeah. You’ve helped me heaps, thanks.”

“That’s great. I’m sure I will see you very soon. Cheerio!”

And with that, Gus disappeared around the tree that sheltered the number park bench and was gone.