Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daily Creation Process using the Law of Attraction

Life is about certainty not hope. Certainty is created by the reptition of a thought which overtime becomes accepted as a belief. It is this framework of beliefs that creates the life we live.

The Daily Framework

AS we have covered an awful lot of groungd in "My Law of Attraction Handbook" I giving you an outline of a process that we can use everyday to create your desires harnessing the Law Of Attraction. If you are unsure of the processes I am talking about, you go to the earlier chapters of the Handbook wherre you will find detailed explanations.

For this proces you will need a small notebook you can carry with you during the day or a "smart" phone or PDA with which you can take notes.

What we want to do on a daily basis is change our thought and feeling patterns about the things we desire and encounter everyday. Most of us have engrained thoughts about life and our role in it. This framework created our reality because it becomes what we have experience because it is what we are attracting.

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear." ~Brian Tracy

1/ Days Start - Reboot and Refresh

To start the day I recommend meditation for at least 15 to 20 minutes, but 30 minutes is great. The importance of this is that it serves like rebooting a computer. It helps clear out negativities that you ma have collected during the previous day and allows us to start the day invigorated and fresh. As we are going to use our feelings as our compass as to how we are creating, clearing negativity becomes really important.

To change these thought patterns requires practice and patience. So to do this I offer a framework to use to help develop this and as time goes on you can adapt it to suit your needs to set the tone of your day.

The framework is based on using the Three Phases of Creation.

To revise three phases are:

Intention - commit
I intend to have my joyful right work.
I intend to travel overseas.
I intend to excel at my work.

Expectation - believe
I expect prosperity.
I expect fantastic adventures in my life.
I expect to meet new and interesting people.

Law - faith and certainty
I am abundant and debt free.
I am fit and healthy.
I am my right weight.

2/ Set the Tone
Dedicate a page in your note book. Put the date at the top and write what you intend for the day so that when feelings of fear and ill ease arrive during the day you can take a minute and "re-tune" your vibrations.

At your earliest convenience in the morning we should "intend" for the day. You can do this over breakfast, in the car on the way to work whilst stopped at traffic lights, anyway the makes an easy fit in your day. This process is designed to set the tone of the day so that the things you desire will flow into your day. It is designed to stop you feeling as though you have gotten of the wrong side of bed!

The intention can include items from the "clarity" exercise.

I intend to be prosperous and abundant.
I intend to excel at work.
I intend to be joyful.
I intend to meet great people.

As well as things that are specific for today.

Maybe you've got a big meeting.
I intend to be calm and confident.

Maybe there is a confrontation looming.
I intend to allow others point of view.

Or you can have the all purpose statement.
I intend to have a great day!

As you progress in this process you may feel you want to advance to the next phase. This should be natural. If the statement comes to you, go with it!

I expect an easy flow of money.
I expect great success.
I expect fun and joyful experiences.
I expect to make new friends.

And as you progress still further, you can move to the "I am" and " I have" statements that become your personal "Law".

I am abundant.
I am prosperous
I have fantastic friends.
I have my ideal partner.
I am joyful.

3/ Collecting

As during the "Clarity " exercise, You need to become a collector. Continue to add to you list of desires.

See someone in a great new car. On the list.
A big new TV. On the list.
Some great clothes. On the list.

The list then becomes the resource to intend, expect and create law.

It is important when you see someone with things that you desire that the pangs of envy and jealousy do not arise. Instead admire the person for being able to become vibrationally aligned with such things.

4/ The Compass

Through out the day you need to monitor your feelings to determine if you are creating positively or negatively. During the hustle and bustle of a modern workday this can be difficult.
Look for natural opportunities such as coffee and lunch break to take a moment, and it is only a moment to check how you feeling. You could even set the alarm on your phone or PDA to remind you to pause for 10 seconds and check how you are feeling.

Feeling good. Consult the intentions you wrote down in the morning and read.

"I intend to have a great day!"

Feeling fearful. Consult the intentions you wrote down in the morning and read.

We can also use your expectation to check that are buliding our vibrations in alignment. We can check our "expectation" by asking:

"What am I expecting?"

For example we desire money to pay some bills.

We create a picture of the statement with a zero balance. We feel good.

But subsequently during the day we suffer felings of worry and doubt.

Ask: "What am I expecting?"

Exploring your feeliings and you find they are driven by the fear and worry about what will happen if you don't pay the bills on time.

No we choose a new thought and move to a better feeling place.

" I Intend to be abundant!"

"I intend to be calm and confident."

Still no improvement?

" I intend to have a great day"
"I intend to receive large sums of money"
"I am joyful and Happy!"

Once we are experiencing good or improved feelings we can move on with our day as we have moved our vibrations closer to alignment with the non-physical.

"There is nothing more important than feeling good"
Abraham - Hicks.

So by following this process during the day we can ensure we are positively creating.

5/ Give Thanks!

One area I have used LOA very successfully is in my sales career where I found if I could create a positive vibration that sales literally came to me in the most amazing ways. But what I did find was that if a sale did come to me that I had to maintain myself in the moment otherwise the sale would fall through in all sorts of inexplicable ways. So I had to ensure that I processed the sale focussed in that moment. Not think about how many sales I had done for the day or what it meant for my monthly target. I recently saw a Wayne Dyer video on intent and he was talking about not telling people about what your intentions were as this exposed them to ego and maybe this is what is at work here. That once I matched my creating to an ego driven score card it disrupted the creating vibrations.

So I found that when it appeared as though I was about to receive, I would give thanks!

Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!

I found this help my thoughts from straying but it also put me position of feeling as though I had already received which means my vibrations are in alignment with the non-physical.

I also think it is a great thing at the end of the day to review the feelings and experiences and say a gentle THANKYOU.

"Thankyou for the great people I met."

"Thankyou for the money that flowed to me today."

"Thankyou for the successful meeting I had today."

"Thankyou for the great sales I made today."

"Thankyou for my great family."

It helps you align and puts you in a great place for the following day.

Daily Summary

1/ Days Start - Meditation - Reboot and Refresh

2/ Set the Tone - I intend to.....

3/ Collecting - What do I want?

4/ The Compass - What am I feeling? What do I expect?

5/ Give Thanks!

With practice these simple steps will become part of your normal day and allow you to active create and live apositive and wondeful life.

SO iwish you great creating and remember to:

Always Expect the Best!

Graham T has been seeking to live a better life through enlightment and spirituality for over 25 years and feels compelled to share his ideas, concepts and the fruits of his journey so far.

Heavily influenced by the writings of Florence Scovel Shinn and Neale Donald Walsch, it was the revelation by Abraham with Esther and Jerry Hicks that our feelings can be used as a guide to indicate whether weare in alignment with our non-physical selves, that enabled Graham to make large forward leaps in his life, after being bound by his sensitivity and the intensity of feelings that he experienced in the preseding years in his life.

His writing describes his experiences in this journey.

If you would like to learn more, visit my blog Law of Attraction Handbook for weekly installments.

To learn more about Abraham with Esther and Jerry Hicks go to:


Monday, July 12, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work Part 4

Positive Outcomes

To ensure we receive our desires it is important that we create and retain a positive tone to our lives. As the LOA dictates that "like attracts like" it is then logical that is we can maintain afeeling of positivity then this this is what we will create in our life.

The second step of the "Three Phases of Creation" is expectation. Intention is the statment of our desires, Expectation is us opening to receive our desires. It is a statment of certainty and faith that we are going to receive our desires.

I expect to have a great new car.

I expect to have a great new work.

I expect to travel overseas.

I expect to be in great shape.

I expect great new friends.

I expect to get a new car every 3 years.

I expect to move into a new house this year.

I expect to meet my obligations with plenty left over to do the things I love.

I expect to receive large amounts of money.

I expect to have a great life.

Expectation is devoid of hope or wishing. It is carreid by certainty and faith for the outcome. The elimination of doubt drives away fear and worry. It helps you see the desired outcomes only in positive terms.

So at he beginning of our creating we are outlining our intentions. Then as we experience good feelings indicating our alignment with the vibrations of our desire we can build our vibrations with statements of expectation as above. Now we are are looking to increase the feeling of having. Of actually being in the place of our desires. We move to the position of Law.

I call this law, because these statements form the framework of our lives. They are the thoughts that through repetiton they become our reality. They become the laws that we make for ourselves by which we live our lives.

I am a good worker.
I am always in trouble.
I always come last.
I am lucky.
I am a nice person.
I always get want I want.
I find life a struggle.
I earn good money.
I love life.

You can see how each of these thoughts would attract very different outcomes. So it is our goal to move our thoughts to attract positive outcomes. These thoughts will generate positive feelings indicating that we are in alignment with our non-physical selves and by using The Three Phases of Creation we can achieve this.

Step Back and Receive

Now we've calarifiied our desires. We've released our resistance and fear. we've built our vibrations using The Three Phases of Creation and focuseed on only seeing positive outcomes. Now it's up to source!

This is the time for certainty faith in the manifest of our desires. The key to this is our feelings. they are the compass that guides us to creating positively. It is important that you don't try maintain a constant focus on our desires. They don't have to at the forefront of our conscious for us to receive them. In fact this is counter productive. I have had the best results when I focus on being calm and feeling positive.

Intend to be calm and positive.

Ground in the moment

Is the exerperience that I am worrying about going to happen right now?

Is this a life threatening circumstance?

Are there other possible outcomes to this situation?

I safe where I am right now?

Am I Ok? YES!

So that means you don't have to act right this very minute and that you are safe and there are possible outcomes that are different to those in your thoughts that are generating in our thoughts.

So take a breath! I am calm!

Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the calm.

If the feeling of fear persists. Reach for abetter thought. Enjoy the positive feeling this creates.

If you are still overcome with fear and dread, Use the Sedona method previously described and which is further described in "The Tools" secton.

What we are aiming for is a positive feeling of calm and wellbeing. We should monitor our feelings to promote its continuance.

It is from this state that we can receive our desired manifestations. Calm. Positive. Even joyful. Just there in the moment.

From here amazing things can happen!

I think for many people this is the hardest of all things to do because we are brought up to take action to achieve our desires. Here we are delegating the creation of our desires to source. Hold to positive feelings and if doubt or fear creep in, look for a better thought or move your thoughts to a place of feeling good, as we are looking to move into the divine flow, enabling the non-physical to create our desires.

The creative force of the non-physical dwarfs that of what we are able o achieve in the physical realm through our actions and so it is important that we do not interfere with the process by trying to giving it an earthly help along. Our role now is to stand back, and maintain a positive tone which will help facilitate the arrival of your desires. We are looking for inspired action.

Our feelings are our compass. They show whether are thoughts and therefore vibrations we are sending out are in alignment with the creation of our desires.
Fearful thoughts about the future are for most of us, a very difficult habit to change. So we need to be conscious of our feelings and release any negative feelings as shown in step 2, then seek a better thought.
This connection with our feelings will also aid us in being in touch with our intuition. those little whispers from our sub-conscious which will guide us to inspired action. Then we will receive our desires.

Our expectation of the future is a key determinant of what we will receive. An optimistic disposition is not always easy to maintain in the hurly burly of modern life where aggression and anger are often seen as key tools to obtaining what you want, differing enormously from the creative techniques using the LOA.

I found a great way to maintain way to maintain a positive feeling in ones life is to:


Be open to receiving your desire. Be ready. Calmly accept and be thankful.

If you enter each day with the expectation of wonderful things then the LOA can respond with things that reflect that expectation. Expect the best!

As we hold this expectation and feel the wellness it brings we can stay in the position of positive creation. This is where e need to allow ourselves to be. In a positive and expectant state. Not trying to create. We are allowing our manifestations to come us. The emphasis is not effort but our vibrations. these are what create our desires.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work Part 3

Part 3

Releasing Resistance

The natural state of things for the non-physical is propserity. Lack is a state only experienced our physical realm and is therefore out of alignment with none physical. this generates thoughts of resistance and fear which is revealing a key stumbling blocks to receiving our desires. so our work is to monitor our feelings to ensure we maintain a positive tone to our thoughts and therefore feelings.

Most of us hold thoughts which are resistant to the creation our desires.

I can only afford to buy used cars.
I'll only ever to be able to rent a house.
I never have enough money.
All I ever get is bills.
I never feel well.
I am unlucky.

These thoughts are in conflict with divines constant state of prosperity and therefore will hold you from your desires. Thoughts more in keeping wtih receiving your desires are:

I always buy a new car every 3 years.
I intemd to buy a new house this year.
I always have money to meet my obligations with planet left over to do the things I love.
I expect to receive large amounts of money.
I always feeel great!
Good things always happen to me!

The first statements are limiting. They restrict what you can receive to below your desires and in some cases things you don't want. Most of us carry around these limiting thoughts in our heads and this is a ripe area for work. The phrases you create in the "3 Phases of Creation" should be focussed on changing these to thoughts for positive creation.

As well as releasing resistant and fearful thoughts we can also use particular thought patterns to restrict the rise of such thoughts.

Detach From the Outcome

It is important that a desired outcome shouldn't be the dominating thought in your life. Ask. Build and know the vibration. Release to the non-physical. Don't hold the outcome in the forefront of you consciousness as this will stifle timely creation.

The Poker Method

What does poker have to do with the LOA I here you ask. Well nothing really except that I discovered this method indulging my obsession of playing on-line poker (points only) on Facebook. Initially I found playing really helpful in reducing my aversion to risk. Overtime I found that I could trust my intuition more readily which often helped my poker play enormously. But I have found the more I worry about the outcome, how many chips the other plays had, the size of the blinds and pots the less successful I was. After a while I found that if I ignored what level the competing players were at, how many chips they had and what the size of blinds were and just focussed on my cards and the communal cards, the better I did. This resonated with me as to what I needed to do when manifesting my desires. Foget about my score. Forget about other peoples scores. Forget about how much I can win or lose. Just focus on the where I am play right now and intend to be calm and open and god things come.

Don't focus on what other people have or do. There is enough for everyone!

Don't focus on how much I stand to gain or lose if a particular result occurs. Ignore the consequences!


Just focus on what I am feeling right now!

How do I feel?

Feaful? Use a statement from the "Three Pases of Creation".

Feeling good? Move on and enjoy life.

Ignore the Consequences

Success is created by focussing on what we want not we fear. So it is key that we do not focus on the consequences of our desires not manifesting. No thoughts of your world falling apart. No thoughts of your partner leaving you. No thoughts of the bank foreclosing on you house. No thoughts of fights or disagrements. Move your thoughts to this moment of now. Move your thoughts to your desires so that your feelings begin to improve. Continue to move better thoughts.

Sedona Method

Sometimes we experience are situation where no matter how hard we try and what thoughts we reach for the negative feelings stay with us. We are stuck!

This is when I would recommend using the Sedona Method previously detailed in an earlier chapter as If ound it to be very effective in moving persistant fears and allowing me to return to the flow of positive vibrations.

In the Moment

As well as using the Sedona Method if you are feeling overwhelming feelings of fear and worry that you cannot release I find an effective method is to ground my myself in the moment.

Fear and worry is created by negative thoughts of the future. It is driven by all the bas and uncontrollable things that maybe happen in the future. Experience shows that often these worries and fears are unfounded, but as they are vibrational it menas that these conditions are very likely to be the those that you will experience.

To Ground in the Moment you need to ask yourself some questions.

Is the exerperience that I am worrying about going to happen right now?

Is this a life threatening circumstance?

Are there possible outcomes to this situation?

Am I safe where I am right now?

In most cases the answers the answer to these questions will be NO!

So that means you don't have to act right this very minute and that you are safe and there are possible outcomes that are different to those in your thoughts that are generating in our thoughts.

So take a breath!

You're OK. Be calm. You ARE Ok. Now focus on what you want, Not what you fear. Now you're feeling better and can conitnue to look for positive thoughts that promote good feelings. Now we can creating positively.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work

Part 2

Each morning do your meditation. First thing before yopu eat is probably best, most importantly it should be done before you start your day proper. Before work, or school or your daily chores. This will ensure you are free of fear or resistance. then you can use your intentions.

I intend to be joyful.
Feel the joy.
I Intend to be propserous.
Feel the prosperity.
I intend to fit and healthy.
Feel the vibrancy.
I intend to have an awsome life.
Feel the exhiliration

This sets the tone for your day. This should promote good positive feelings for the day.

Now turn you intention to you more specific desires.

I intend to have a great new car.
Imagine driving the car to work. Remember the feeling.

I intend to have a great new work.
See your excelling at your great new job. How good does it feel. Remember the feeling.

I intend to travel overseas.
I am at the airport. I'm upgraded to business. Ready to go! remember the feeling.

Next item. I intend to be in great shape.
I can go all day. I look great. How great do I feel? Remember it!

Next item. I have great new friends.
Feel the fun of mixing. The laughter and the joy. Remember the feeling.

So now we are ready to begin the day proper. Feeling good. Tuned up for our desires.

At this point we need to release our desires to the universe. They do not need to be in the forefront of consciousness all day. We now delegate this to the divine.

At first, it is appropriate to do this each morning with a focus of maintaining the feeling of wellness during the day. Of course we all know that our days can be full of incidents and interactions that can soon bring feelings of anger and annoyance. I have worked for a couple of managers that were very skilled at removing any motivation in their morning meetings, through threats and imitimidation.

So to promote continuing good feelings during the day you may need to find 2 minutes to yourself and re-state your intentions and even maybe grab a couple of minutes of meditation (the more frequently you meditate the quicker you will be able to reach a calm state and the bigger the benefit acheived will be) and reclaim that positive feeling.

As you progress I would recommend purchase a small note pad or use your smart phone to note daily intentions. These can specific to the day and help maintain a positive tone

A big meeting or presentation.
I intend to be calm and confident.

Starting a new job.
I intend to excel in my work.

Wanting joy.
I intend to have an awsome day.

Building a relationship.
I intend to be loving and caring.

Wanting fitness and health.
I intend to be invigorated and active.

Where as we were to looking to set the tone of our life with the initial intentions on our "I Intend To..."

These are intentions for the moment of now. As you navigate your way through your day, if the compass that is your feelings indicates that you are negatively creating, we can use our intention to change our thoughts in a more positive direction.

So the "I Intend To...." sheet is the general direction we are setting course for. The daily intentions are the is the street address.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work

Part 1

Now we covered an overview of the Law of Attraction, let's now put into form that you can utilise it on a day to day basis.

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” ~Brian Tracy

This is the essence of what we are trying to do with the Law of Attraction. Focus on our desires, thus overcoming our fears and as "Like is Attracted to Like", attract our desires.

But it is a little easier said than done. Fear can be all pervasive in our lives and moving from these feelings to focus on our desires can be difficult, as foucusing on future possible dramas and calamities is deeply ingrained in many of us. Therefore it is helpful to have some tools to move you to positive thoughts and hold you in the position of feeling good.

As our feelings are our compass, guiding us to where we are positively creating, in alignment with our desires, the focus will be to learn a process, using our feelings, that will focus us towards our desires and help build the positive vibrations. Then help maintain us in position of posivity, allowing us to receive our desires. The first step is determining what we want.

It is likely that we think we know what we want, but if we exmaine our thoughts closely that we will find a mish-mash of hopes, desires and implied obligation. So our first task is to find clarity. The greater clarity, the more likely that manifestation will occur.

We need to distill our thoughts into key areas that we can focus. How do we do this? We can use a number of resources to capture our desires, which will then allow us to focus on manifesting our desires.

Clarifying Desires Session

Prior to focussing on our desire, we need to collect some resources to use in a clarifying session. For a week or two prior to the session you need to keep you eye open for things that tweek your desires. You're reading a magazine or a magazine.

"Wow I love the look of that beach! I want to go there!" Cut it out. Put it in a manila folder or similar. it's now on file.

"Love that car!' In the file.

"I want to wear that!" In the file.

"Look at that house!" In the file.

If you're more aural than visual. Right down the things that make your feel great.

The gathering of friends sitting on the tables outside the local restuarant enjoying sun and Chardonay. Love that!

The beach house with ocean view. Yes Please

The cruise liner visiting Pacific Islands. I can feel the warm sun on my skin now. Mmmmmm!

Capture the essence for later.

You could use technology to make a slide show of the pictures you've found whilst surfing the net, or take photos on you smart phone, which you can browse through when you've got a spare five minutes.

What we are trying to is to gather stimuli for our desires that create good feelings, which means they are enhancing our vibration.


Initially it is best to set a side some quality solo time to do this. It needs to be free of distraction. A time when you can be alone with your thoughts and feelings, free of interference and input from others, as this is personal. It's all about you.

This process needs to be free of effort. "I'm gonna manifest with the LOA or else. I am determined. I'm goonna make it happen!" It should be joyful. It should feel free and flowing. Striving for a specific outcome delivered in a particular way is not what this is about. What we are doing is asking the non-physical for our desires. Delivery from source may take forms and methods we cannot imagine and therefore it is important to release our desires, delegating it to source for creation.

To start the session I would recommend you begin with meditation. This is like rebooting your computer. It will clear you of the negative vibrations you have accumulated during the day. I would actually recommend you find 15 to 20 minutes every morning to meditate. For those who don't currently parctise, I have include my "easy" meditation method at that end. I'm sure that you will find it beneficial as it promotes wellness and wellbeing.

Now you're feeling good and calm, you should make the room to your liking. Gentle soft music (rock, rap etc is not really appropriate here), incense or aromatherapy, anything that enhances a calm environment is good here.

Now gather the items you have collected and spread them on a table or the floor. Follow your intuition and pick the item which attracts you most.. Hold it. Feel it. Enjoy it. Know the feeling.

Now steadily work your way through each item Sorting the items that provoke the strongest positive feelings into one pile and those items which a lessre feeling into the other. Follow the flow. The sorting should be intuitive. now we should have two piles. One of items that promote really strong feelings and one pile that promotes less strong feelings which we put aside for use at another time.

Hopefully you have a pile of four or five items which promote strong enjoyable feelings. Now we are going to work on building the vibration.

Building Vibration

"It is a well known fact that one comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to one's self, whether the statement be true or false. If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth. Moreover, he will believe it to be the truth. Every man is what he is, because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind."

Napoleon Hill

Now we are going to use the "Three Phases of Creation" to build vibration.

The Three Phases of Creation is a tool that you can use to build you vibrational expectancy so you can receive your desires.

The three phases are:

Intention - commit
Expectation - believe
Law - receive


Take a piece of paper and right on the top "I intend to....". By intending we are setting up vibrational patterns for our desires. Intention forms the framework for our creating and is the general form for our life. We should make intentions that will set the overall tone of our lives.

I intend to be joyful.
Feel the joy. How good does it feel? Write it down.
I Intend to be propserous.
Feel the prosperity. A wonderful feeling. Write it down.
I intend to fit and healthy.
Feel the vibrancy. Write it down.
I intend to have an awsome life.
Feel the exhiliration Write it down.

This sets the tone for our living. A positive foundation for the creation of our desires.

Now to be more specific.

The first picture maybe of a new car.
I intend to have a great new car.

Not to specific make, model or colour here. Save that for the thoughts you having about this car. The clunk of the door. The feeling of the leather seats. The exhiliration of the acceleration.

Next item. I intend to have a great new work.
Feel the confidence. Feel the joy of doing something you love. Feel how prosperous you feel.

Next item. I intend to travel overseas.
I am at the airport. I'm upgraded to business. I've got a great itinerary. I'm excited!
Feel the joy of seeing great scenery. meeting different cultures and enjoying fabulous food and experiences.

Next item. I intend to be in great shape.
I can go all day. I look great. I feel great.

Next item. I have great new friends.
Feel the fun of mixing with great people with matching vibrations. Enjoy the laughter and the good times.

Now we have a document with which we can build the vibrations to create the life you desire.

To repeat Tom's words.

"I mean make a solid INTENTION that no matter what, you are going to stick to holding yourself up to a standard. Make this intention like a commitment where it almost has the urgency that your life depends on this. You need to keep this intention no matter what--even if you have no support, even if people diss you, even if you keep getting rejected, even if your finances are sinking one day, even if your lover leaves you, even if you get insulted, even if your parents are not supportive---stay committed people. I'm sorry, but a lot of you guys need to amp up your Power and persistence levels. Get passionate and fired up guys."

Tom's Blog - Powerful intentions.

Intention is the announcement of your desires in your life I Intend.....It's more than hoping. It is more than wishing. It has a certain determination behind. I commit to this!

The "I Intend To" list now gives you a powerful tool to build your vibrations.

Now we can begin to put in place a process for each day.

I will continue this in Part 2 shortly.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 7 - Allow Source

Allow Source

Now we are clear on what we want. We are using our feelings as a compass to point us in the direction of positive creation.

Now it's Source's turn. Now we must stand clear and let the dynamic power of the non-physical to create our desires and be ready to receive.

Sounds simple doesn't it? But most of us are grounded in the world of the physical, where things are done by doing, and it can be very difficult to avoid just giving source a little earthly help along. This can be detrimental to the receipt of our desires.

Instead of doing, we need to build our vibration until we are in alignment with the non-physical at which point we will feel the inspiration to act. Intuition has a key role toplay in this It is at this point where inspired creation will occur. We are at the stage of Law. Our beliefs, which thoughts repeated so often that they become our relatity, are now shaping ou lievs.

I am trim, fit and healthy
I am abundant.
I am out going confident.
I am prosperous.
I am a great person.
We are leveraging the awesome power of source to create our desires and this requires faith and certainty. Faith and certainty that you will receive, will allow you to put your hands behind our back, so to speak, to allow the divine to work for you. You are delegating these desires to the non-physical to create for you. There is no half way house here. You can't go and buy a lottery ticket in case source doesn't come through for you!

You can't have a backup a plan. This all or nothing territory! You're handing it over to the divine 100
% or you going to be disappointed.

It's your choice!

There can't be any little twinges of doubt. You are GOING to receive. The who why when or how is up to source. I find it useful to stop and check my feelings. Look at them. Examine them. Am I truly free of resistance.? What are those twinges around the edges? What I often find is that even though overall tone of what I am feeling is good, there are often twinges of resistance. Stop at look at them.

Am I truly open to receiving money or there is a tiny morsel of doubt? I find I can gently release these twinges. You don't need a sledge hammer. Just gently release them. Use the Sedona Method if required.

It is important to also be aware that trying is resistance. This demonstrates lack of faith in source. If we are "trying" we have slipped back into our earthly action first mode And the problem with wanting to deliberately manifest using the LOA is that is very easy to slip into trying mode.

"I'm going to make LOA work or else!"

This is a resistant thought. We must allow our desires.

Often you hear of athletes being in the zone, where they talk about being in the zone where things seem to slow down and they feel at one with what they are doing. This is where we need to be when we are receiving our desires. We need to be free of fear and in the moment of now That is where receive, like the athlete is the moment of now when they perform at their peak. The moment of creation.

Our job is to remain open to all the possibilities that may enter our lives and gratefully receive them on arrival.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 6 - Positive Outcomes - Turbo Charge Your Life

Chapter 6 - Positive Outcomes - Turbo Charge Your Life

As the LOA dictates that "like attracts like" then it follows that if we see our desires only in terms of positive outcomes then this is what we attract to our lives.

To monitor every thought and censor them to ensure that they are only positive nature is virtually an impossible task. Try it and see! So using our feelings as a compass we can ensure that the direction of our thoughts are generally positive. If we are feeling good and positive then we are vibrating in the direction of desires.

The Law of Attraction does not differentiate between the vibrations we generate as we live our lives and those thoughts that we imagine in our minds. So the LOA is in play equally for all those thoughts and feelings that we generate as we experience not having enough money to meet our monthly bills and those you might create with your imagine as you see yourself with an abundant bank account, with plenty of money to do the things in life we desire.

So as we use the 3 Phases of Creation to wind up our positive vibrations to manifest our desires we need to be aware of the direction that internal compass, that is our feelings, is pointing.

As we experience tinges of lack or fear of the consequences of not paying our bills, we need to reach for a thought that will hold us in a positive place.

"I intend to be positive."
"I intend to be prosperous and abundant"
"I intend to have a great month."
"I intend to be joyful"

"I expect large sums of money."
"I expect fun things in my life."
"I expect wealth."

"I am having an awesome year."
"I have $10000 in my bank account."
"I am joyful"

Build those vibrations and release them to the divine!

They don't need to be at the forefront of your thoughts all the time. Maintaining the positive feeling is the most important thing.

The problem is, worry and fear for the future are long held habits for most of us. Part of this maybe our natural physiology is for fight or flight. That is, in times of threat or danger our body prepares to fight the threat or flee it. Not many of us face the life threatening situations that these reflexes originally protected us from, but the physiology is hardwired into us and so in our modern lives in stressful circumstances, we experience the necessarily pessimistic view that avoiding a threat requires. So it may seem a difficult task to maintain positive feelings when experiencing waves of negative feelings,as we slip into thoughts of consequence of doubt.

Acknowledge the feeling. Choose a new thought.

"I intend to be calm and confident."

Stand In the moment. Is the world going to end now? No. Am I safe? Yes. Am I ok? Yes

"I expect good things in my life!"

I expect prosperity. I expect to meet great people. I expect great life experiences.

Can good things come to me? Yes!

" I am having a great day!"

"I am enjoying the people I am meeting. I am calm and confident. I am prosperous and abundant. I am having a great day in a great year."

These thoughts don't have to reflect the experience you're having now. They should reflect the experiences that you want to have.

It maybe difficult to adjust to this initially as our natural response is to address the physical reality that is confronting us. It may generate further fear that you're not addressing the here and now. Faith in the LOA to deliver your desires is required.

This requires practice and persistence. Falling into negative thoughts in times of stress is usually a well engrained habit that will take time to change. But persistence will be rewarded. As the balance of vibrations that you are generating move towards those that are deliberate and positive, away from the de-fault and negative, positive feelings and wellness will become the natural tone of your life. As positive thoughts and experiences build on positive, good experiences follows great, in an ever increasing spiral of positive energy, it is possible to "turbo charge" your life as a cascade of fulfillment brings a joyful life.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 5 - 3 Phases of Creation

Chapter 5 – The Three Phases of Creation

How do we build our vibration? It is more than looking at pictures of our desires, or putting it on our wallpaper or making a mini movie about our desires. The key is to raise our expectation to the point of certainty that our desires will come to us. We can raise our expectation by using the “Three Phases of Creation.”

The Three Phases of Creation.

The Three Phases of Creation is a tool that you can use to build you vibrational expectancy so you can receive your desires.

The three phases are:

Intention - commit

Expectation - believe

Law - receive


Intention is the announcement of your desires.

I intend to have my joyful right work.
I intend to travel overseas.
I intend to excel at my work.
I intend to be free of debt.
I intend to be joyful.
I intend to have an awesome year.
I intend to be fit and healthy.
I intend to make great friendships.
In intend to be confident and outgoing.

This forms the framework of your desires. This is what I intend for my life! But the key to this is that it must be a commitment! Not a hope, a wish or a pipe dream. You must be 100% committed. You must feel the energy and desire stirring within you!

“I mean make a solid INTENTION that no matter what, you are going to stick to holding yourself up to a standard. Make this intention like a commitment where it almost has the urgency that your life depends on this. You need to keep this intention no matter what--even if you have no support, even if people diss you, even if you keep getting rejected, even if your finances are sinking one day, even if your lover leaves you, even if you get insulted, even if your parents are not supportive---stay committed people. I'm sorry, but a lot of you guys need to amp up your Power and persistence levels. Get passionate and fired up guys.”

Tom’s Blog – Powerful intentions.

Commitment is the driver of your desires. Fire up and be committed!


Expectation is the next phase. Now we are moving beyond the thought .

“ This is what I want.”

To I believe this is what I will receive.

I expect prosperity.
I expect fantastic adventures in my life.
I expect to meet new and interesting people.
I expect to meet the partner of my dreams.
I expect good health and wellness.
I expect large sums of money.
I expect to have a sensational day.
I am expecting great success.

Pump it up because here come your desires. When you make these statements, you should feel the energy build within you.

This is about the tone of your life. Most of us bumble in a cloud of negativity and pessimism.

Here comes another crap day.
I hate work.
Nothing ever good comes to me.
My life never improves. It always rubbish.
Another bill I can’t afford.
All the people I meet are idiots.

You get the idea and as the LOA dictates “like attracts like” it is not difficult to see the sort of experiences the two thought patterns are going to attract.

You’ve got to pump it up and expect great things. You’ve got to expect abundance. You’ve got to expect great relationships!


Law is the last phase of creation. It is the phase of faith and certainty.

I am abundant and debt free.
I am fit and healthy.
I am my right weight.
I am excelling in my working.
I am in a great relationship.
I am prosperous.
I am joyful.
I am flush with cash.

The improved vibrations for your desire moves them from wants to haves. The weight of thought and vibration have now made them law your in life. They are unequivocal. They are now definite and certain. You hold strongly to this. Strength is required. Now you are in the place to receive what you have created.

Now it is time to allow your desires into your life. Hold those good feelings. Be open to your intuition. Be ready.


To use the Three Phases of Creation we use three differently phrased sentences that steadily build the vibration of our desires.

So if we desired abundance we state our intention.

I intend to be abundant.

Feel the energy and feelings that this bring to you. We should make this statement whenever we feel the pangs of lack overcome us. Use the statement. Look for the good feeling of abundance. Remember this feeling. Look to hold this feeling.

Once we know the feeling we should move to the next step.

I expect great success!

Great things are flowing into my life! All the good things are are coming to me. I expect money, I expect friendship. I expect love. I expect joy!

How great does it feel! Remember that feeling. Look to hold this feeling whenever you can.

I am abundant and joyful!

I have money!
I have fantastic friends!
I have love!
I have joy!

I am abundant!

Now you know this feeling. This feeling is you. This feeling is showing you are attracting your desires because it is showing you are in alignment with the non-physical.

Although the three statements are shown in orderly pattern here, in practice you may move back forth to the statement that feels the most comfortable at any particular time. The one that makes you feel better. As we live our lives we may be affected by doubt or fear and this means we may need to go back to intending our desire, then re-build the vibration.

Commit to your intention. Commit! Commit! Commit! Commit!

Have faith and certainty of your expectation. Certainty is the key!

Be open to receiving your law.

Application, repetition and practice are required! Build your vibration. Know the feelings of your desires and you WILL receive!

Go and create!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 4 - Release Resisitance

Chapter 4 – The Law of Attraction Handbook

Release Resistance

Having framed clearly what our desires are, it is now time to delegate these to the divine. It is time to get out of the way and let source create. The non-physical is many times more powerful in its ability to create than our mere earthly efforts, therefore it is important that we allow source to go about its work unfettered from earthly interference.

From this point it is important to focus on maintaining a positive tone or feeling in our life. As our feelings are our compass as to how we are creating, a positive tone will indicate that we are creating in alignment with our desires. The issue here is to manage our feelings so happiness and joy are the prevalent feelings.

Doubt and fear are the enemies of positive creation as they indicate a negative path in our manifestation. In today’s world we too often focus on the negative. Anger, aggression and intimidation are commonly used tools “to get what I want”, but this display of the earthly will, pales into insignificance in comparison to the forces available thorough the non-physical and the LOA.

As we grow, who we are is shaped by the experiences we have and what we are taught by those around us. This frame of reaction to circumstances surrounding us, and our reaction to situations in our life, is what makes us unique individuals. But often these reactions have their basis in thoughts of scarcity and lack, which is the overarching concept in most of our daily dealings in the modern world. These attitudes are enshrined in our learnt responses.

These attitudes or thoughts might include:

“Good things never happen to me!”
“We never have enough money.”
“I never have new cars.”
“All I seem to get is bills.”
“I always struggle to make ends meet.”
“ I’m always sick.”
“I have to fight for what’s mine.”

All these thoughts have the base in the past experiences of our lives. They are historical and seems natural to think what has happened in the past will only be repeated in the future. With the nature of the Law of Attraction being, “like is attracted to like”, then it easy to see how this pattern is repeated in our lives and virtually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. As these thoughts are at odds with the non-physical natural state of abundance, they create negative feelings within us. As we hold to these negative feelings, they become a veritable stumbling block, holding us away from the creation of our desires.

So it becomes important to be aware of our feelings as they are our compass, which indicates to us how we are creating. A good question to ask is

“How am I creating?”

If we took a moment to review our feelings and we found fear, frustration and trepidation, this would indicate thoughts of lack and scarcity and a need to move our thoughts from what we haven’t got to what we want. This is our work.

Ways we can ensure we don’t develop negative feelings and resistance:

Detach from the outcome. Holding fixed thoughts for a particular outcome and how it will come about in a particular way, will hold us from our desires. By dictating every detail we are not placing our trust in the divine to create our desires. Instead we are placing earthly constraints on our desired manifestation. It needs to be a complete delegation of the desire to source, as we cannot know the path or resources that the divine can muster to create our desire. Perfect faith and un-wavering expectation are key factors in the manifestation of our desires.

I have found that keeping score is also detrimental to receiving your desires. One of the areas of my life that I have applied the LOA is in my sales career. I have often found that when I am talking to a client, who I felt was going to buy and I mentally moved forward to what this sale will do to my results for the day, week or year, it invariably ends up by me not completing the sale for some inexplicable reason. Something comes out of left field, ending what I thought was a sure thing. It seems that I have I interrupted the flow of creation.

I have also found that placing a date or deadline on the required creation is also constraining. It seems to generate fear within me that this may not be completed in time and of course this fear indicates that I am creating negatively.

Ignore the consequences. When we grow and learn we are constantly reminded of the consequences of actions. The thoughts of consequence fill us with feelings of fear. The fear drives us to action and much of what do in society is driven by the spectre of consequence. This is not a call for anarchy but a call to free ourselves from the fear and resistance generated by focussing on the future catastrophes that may follow if we fail to create a desired outcome. The focus needs to be on the feeling of completion in the now. We must have faith our desires will be delivered and thoughts must be of completion. O f having already received. The worry generated by thoughts of dreaded consequences if you do not receive your desires will sure that you will continue to be separated from you desires.

Stay in the moment. The moment of now is the pointy end of creation. It is where our desires are manifest. We need to focus on this point, as this will hold us in good stead to receive our desires. If we maintain focus on how we feel, this grounds us in the moment of now. Conversely our thoughts are often about the past or the future, which take us away from the moment of now. Past thoughts bind us to past outcomes and limit the dynamic of what we can create. Future thoughts are good if they are free flowing and optimistic and free of the earthly constraints of how and when. If they are pessimistic and focussed on the unpleasant things that may unfold, then we are holding ourselves from receiving our desires
By staying in the moment and using the compass of our feelings, can ensure we are creating the positive things we desire. By ensuring we feel good, releasing fear and resistance and moving to more positive feelings we will ensure that we are creating positively.

Be aware of the vibrations around you. It is a vibrational world we live. In deliberately creating with the LOA we are managing our vibrations so that which we desire is attracted to us, as like attracts like.

As we move through our daily life we are exposed to a myriad of vibrations from other people and the things around us. I’m sure you’ve been into a room where there’s a bad vibe, or sporting crowd where the atmosphere is euphoric or experienced the good feeling created by a group of friends having fun. This shows you are picking up on the vibrations of the people around you. But it’s not just the people you meet, it is the whole gamut of human activity around you that can affect the vibrational tone you are experiencing.

It can be:

Gossip. Negative talk about the people around you.

What you see in the news around you.

Arguments or disagreements.

The music you listen to. (This can often be positive although had to give up listening to Metallica, who I really like – no accounting for bad taste! - because of the bad feelings it promoted in me!)

Things that you see. Things of beauty, such as paintings can generate positive feelings.

Advertising is designed to vibrationally influence us. Don’t under-estimate its power.

How often have woken. Feeling good! Head off to work, fired up and ready to go and someone comes along and stuffs it up. A couple of managers that I have worked had a happy knack of tearing strips off the staff in the morning meeting before opening. It sets such a negative tone that impinges on people’s ability to do their very best. They focus on the negative and not the positive.

So it is important to be aware that is being set around you.

There’s a bitch session at work bemoaning how bad things are…. Make an excuse to move on.

Overwhelmed by the negativity in the news…..limit your exposure.

Uncomfortable with never ending gossip……focus on the good aspects of people.

Music makes you feel good in the morning…….make a special play list for your I-pod.

Frustrated with your day…..go for a walk and re-focus.

The more you are aware of your feelings, the easier it will be for you to deliberately create. Learn to take stock during your busy day. What am I feeling? What’s a better thought? By lifting yourself each time it appears that you are negatively creating, your day will steadily improve and you won’t be run over by negative emotion. Life can only get better.

“Theirs is nothing more important than feeling good.”
Abraham Hicks

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 3 - What Do I Want?

Chapter 3 – The Law of Attraction Handbook

What Do I Want?

The Law of Attraction is always in play. It cannot be switched on or off but you can make the decision to deliberately manifest the life you desire rather than allow the Law of Attraction to create your life by default. Our feelings are our indicator to whether we are creating positively, good feelings, or negatively, bad feelings. So we could say that our feelings are the compass that points us in the direction of our desires.

The focus of this handbook is to emphasise the use the monitoring of our feelings to guide us towards the things we want.

As outlined above there are main 4 steps we are going to follow and within those steps there are actions and processes we are going to follow which to create our desires.


This would seem to be a very simple question to answer but there are subtleties that must be taken into account if we are to positively harness the power of the LOA.

Our desires are paradoxical in that they can views from 2 perspectives like 2 sides of the same coin.

The two perspectives could be described, like a glass of water, as half full or half empty and this subtle difference in perspective can make a huge impact on what you receive in life.

Obviously the half full perspective is an optimistic view of life. It is free of fear and full of expectation as to the joy, happiness and abundance life is going to bring us in the future.

Conversely the half full interpretation of life is punctuated by fear and consternation of what the future holds and is heavily influenced by the negative experiences we have had in the past.

As an example, if we were to manifest money that we needed to pay some bills, the two different perspectives would be as follows:

The half full or optimistic view would focus on the good feelings and satisfaction of having already having the money and making the payment. It would also focus on the good feelings we would have by being up to date with our bills. We would also be thankful for the money and the services that we were provided by the company we are paying. We are feeling good!

It is important to note that these thoughts are always framed as having been completed. The bill are paid. Life’s good!

The half empty view would focus upon the fear and panic of not having enough money to pay the bills and the catastrophes that will be visited upon us if we don’t manage to find the money to pay the bills. We don’t sleep at night and we can only imagine that all hell is going to break loose if we don’t find the money!

So you can see the focus is on the same issue, paying a bill, but the different perspective provides a very different emphasis.

As the LOA is characterised by “like attracting like” then it is easy to see what sort of experiences the two stances would bring to our lives. This is the whole key to manifesting positively with the Law of Attraction. We can focus on our desires, but the mere focusing does not ensure that that we will receive our desires, as the focus needs to emphasise the positive aspect of having our desire. How good does it feel to have the money to pay bills. I see myself joyfully letting the money go out and seeing myself on the computer doing my electronic transfer. It’s done. Great! I am living my life joyfully because I am abundant!

Conversely if our focus is on the absence of what we desire, then given that LOA in action is “like attracts like”, then it will be the absence of our desire that persists.

“I never seem to have enough money.”

“The bills always seem to come at the wrong time.”

“It’s such a struggle.”

“I am really uptight about making this payment.”

“I am just so stressed! If only I won the lottery.”

“There just never seems to be enough money.”

In both cases we are focussing on money to pay a bill but the difference couldn’t be more palpable and it is not difficult to see which approach is going to be more successful in attracting the desired money.

The key point to this is that we must frame our desires in the most positive terms. All desires should seen in our thoughts as already being received. Just feel the emotion that his thought of your desire emotes in you.

“New car. Wow! The leather seats feel sooooo gooood! Love that quality door clunk. And the exhaust note is just awesome! Gliding through the traffic. Love this car!“

The emotions we must eliminate are hoping and wishing. These are the emotions of doubt. We may feel that we are thinking in positive terms but if we examine our feelings, we may find we are actually wishing or hoping for a manifestation, as we are not seeing it as already received. There is doubt that we will receive. This is a key issue. To engage the LOA we must demonstrate our faith in the non-physical to deliver our desires. Expectation is key. Un-wavering expectation will deliver our desires. Doubt will delay our desires.

How do we frame our desires?

Life is the sum of our of experiences. As we create this life reveals to us the experiences available to us and it is from these experiences, that we can choose those experiences we want to manifest to create our ongoing life.

You see someone driving a beautiful car to work. Admire it. Be joyful for them that they have manifest into their lives something so great. Enjoy the feeling you would experience when driving such a car.

You see a beautiful house. Feel the joy of living there.

You see some fantastic clothes. How great would you feel wearing them?

You see a wonderful island holiday in the travel section of the paper. You can feel the sun water right now!

Become a collector of desires. The aim here is to create a method of collecting information about your desires and storing in manner which easily accessible so that you can use them to evoke positive vibrations about the things you want to manifest.

Make a list.
Cut out photos.
Make a movie.
Make a power point presentation.
Create an App for your I-phone
Write a story
Buy magazines on the things you desire
Play with in your mind.
Put a poster on the wall.
Visit the shop or showroom where what you want is sold. Touch it. Feel it. Make friends with it.

Another thing that you can do is to prepare for you desires.
I was at my sisters for Sunday lunch recently, with a lot of other people, to farewell my niece as she is about to take up a position as an entertainer on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. This was fantastic news as it has been a difficult path for her to find work as a singer/dancer.

We were sitting down to a lovely lunch when my sister came past checking to see we were all enjoying our lunch.

“Do you like my beach house plates?” She asked motioning to wards the lovely new china we were eating off.

“Beach house …plates.” I replied somewhat confused, as I was certain that my sister didn’t own a beach house.

“Yes.” She replied. “These are for the beach we are going to get.”

“West coast or down on the Peninsula.”

“Oh, definitely the Peninsula!” She confirmed.

My sister was deliberately creating even when she didn’t know it! The beach house was her desire for the future. They didn't have the money or finance or selected a house, but in her mind it is going to happen!

She has asked and is very definite about her desire, to the point that she has already selected and purchased the crockery for the house! You couldn’t get a higher level of expectation than already having purchased the crockery for your soon to appear beach house. Such a purchase in expectation of receiving your desire creates a very strong vibration, which is in alignment with your desire.

My sister was preparing to receive her desire and I am very sure that my sister will very soon have her beach house!

This method can be utilized in may different ways.

Want the car. Get the jacket.
Going on a holiday. Buy the bathers.
Flying overseas. Get the walk-on travel bag.
Love the new outfit. Buy the belt.
Would love a beach house. Get the plates!

This is powerful because it puts you in touch with the vibrations of your desires and build the expectation of receiving.

In Part 3 of this book, there will be a detailed program which will include specific processes to help you with this.

How good does it make you feel. This is alignment.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 2 – Part 3 - Positive Outcomes

3/ See your desire in only terms of a positive outcome, even if this outcome seems impossible or illogical.

Most of us restrict what we receive because we base our expectations of the future, upon the experiences we have had in the past. These are the negative rules that we create about ourselves discussed in part 2 and represent the framework of thoughts that define who we are. If you watch your thoughts closely, you will find all manner of self imposed law that determine what we experience in our lives.

“I’m never going to have…”
“Those things never happen to me!”
“We never have enough money.”
“I’ll never get a new car.”
“All I seem to get is bills.”
“Bad things always happen to me.”
“ I’m always sick.”
“I’m never any good at school.”
“I never meet great guys/girls.”
“I always receive bills at the wrong time so I can’t spend money on what I want.”
“I never get promoted at work.”

These thoughts give resistance to the receiving of your desires as all your thoughts must be alignment with the expectation that you WILL receive your desire. These types of thoughts are in conflict with positive creation and therefore hold you from your desires.

To counter this we must monitor our feelings to ensure we are creating positively and develop positive rules for yourself.

“ Great things always happen to me.”
“I always have enough money to live the life I choose.”
“I always get a new car every 3 years.”
“I am always able to cover my bills.”
“I am fit and healthy and living an active life.”
“I always get good marks at school.”
“I am always meeting fabulous people.”
“I am frequently offered promotions at work.”

As we monitor our feelings we should replace the negative with positive thoughts, always looking to promote a better feeling. As we move more and more towards things that make us feel better, the conditions in our physical lives will improve.

It also important to see our desires in the most optimistic of terms. Eliminate physical conditionality from your thoughts of creation. Your thoughts should feel light, positive and uplifting. Free from the heaviness of everyday life. The phrase “Dare to dream” comes to mind. Focus on the very positive outcomes of your creating and become friends with the feelings that you would experience if desires already existing. Close your eyes and examine where in the body and what sort of feeling you are experiencing.

Hunt out any little niggles of negativity. You would be surprised how may little bits of negativity we carry around in our everyday lives. They are an underlying tone of our lives and we should seek to move them on and replace them with positive thoughts, which will move our life to a better place where we can receive our desires.

Positive thoughts and feelings, even the face of duress is our aim.

I will explore this further.

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 2– Part 4 - Allow Source To Created

4/ Step back and allow source to create and intend to receive.

I think for many people this is the hardest of all things to do because we are brought up to take action to achieve our desires. Here we are delegating the creation of our desires to source. Hold to positive feelings and if doubt or fear creep in, look for a better thought or move your thoughts to a place of feeling good, as we are looking to move into the divine flow, enabling the non-physical to create our desires.

The creative force of the non-physical dwarfs that of what we are able o achieve in the physical realm through our actions and so it is important that we do not interfere with the process by trying to giving it an earthly help along. Our role now is to stand back, and maintain a positive tone which will help facilitate the arrival of your desires.

Our feelings are our compass. They show whether are thoughts and therefore vibrations we are sending out are in alignment with the creation of our desires.
Fearful thoughts about the future are for most of us, a very difficult habit to change. So we need to be conscious of our feelings and release any negative feelings as shown in step 2, then seek a better thought.

Our expectation of the future is a key determinant of what we will receive. An optimistic disposition is not always easy to maintain in the hurly burly of modern life where aggression and anger are often seen as key tools to obtaining what you want, differing enormously from the creative techniques using the LOA.

I found a great way to maintain way to maintain a positive feeling in one s life is to:


Be open to receiving your desire. Be ready. Calmly accept and be thankful.

Expect the best!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Chapter 2 - The Basics Part 2

2/ Release any resistance you are feeling about the possible outcomes in relation to your desire.

As good feelings indicate alignment with the non-physical than fear and negativity indicate mis-alignment. Fears and resistant thoughts that you hold are the largest stumbling block to creating your desires. Lack is a human concept, which is not entertained by the non-physical and so any thoughts or feelings are in conflict to the swift manifestation of your desires. They form a veritable stumbling block to your prosperity and abundance.

Many of us have become experts at delaying the arrival of our desires.

“That’ll never happen.”
“How could I possibly have…”
“Get real!’
“You’re dreaming!”
“Those things never happen to me!”
“We never have enough money.”
“I’ll never get a new car.”
“All I seem to get is bills.”
“Bad things always happen to me.”
“ I’m always sick.”

When you hold such thoughts you are virtually make a law for yourself. The vibration of such thoughts will hold you from the manifestation of your desires.

Some steps to overcome this are:

• Detach from the outcome. You must not hold fears for the consequences should you not receive your desire. These feelings accentuate your separation from prosperity and as the basic tenure of LOA is like attracts like then what we will receive is not the arrival of our desires but the continuing experience of lack of our desires.

• Ignore the consequences. If you feel is as if your life is going to end if you do not receive something you have asked for, say money for bills, then it is almost certain that you will remain separated from your request. One of the keys aspects of receiving your desires is that you must be expectant that you will receive. Focussing on the explosion of disaster that might occur in your life if you do not receive signifies lack of faith in a positive result and therefore separates you from manifestation.

• Stay in the moment. All fear is a negative response to thoughts you have about the future. It’s all “what if” stuff.

What if I don’t have enough money!
What if the property market collapses!
What if I get sacked from my job?
What if I get robbed?
What if I get cancer?

These elicit an, “Oh my God! How will I survive?” that carries you to an ever-deepening spiral of impending doom and disaster. And with the LOA responding with “Like attracts like” then it is easy to see what sort of life might evolve from such thoughts.

• Avoid Complainers. You know the ones who have 25 medical conditions, 54 reasons why things are going to go bad and have “issues” with just about everybody on the planet. As much as we try, their negative vibrations can be pervasive and effect what we attract. This can also apply to what we read, watch and see. If you’re a fan of shock jocks, voyeuristic journalism and any other media that promotes negative emotions, it maybe better to be selective in what you choose to see, as this can all have the effect of holding you in a place resistant to the manifestation of your desires. Better to surround yourself with great, positive and energetic people and ideas.

• Hoarding is an act resistant to receiving your desires. To receive we need to be in the divine flow. That is, we have asked for our desires, now we need to be open to the flow of energies that will create our manifestation. Hoarding money or things just in case disaster may strike is contradictory to this flow. It once again focuses upon lack, which is the stumbling block to our desires. We must allow the flow of money and life, as this will give the expression of expectation of receiving which is critical in creating and manifesting.

Even though we maybe mindful of freeing ourselves of fear and negativity there maybe times that fear and negativity accumulates within us and thus becomes difficult to move beyond the negative feelings we are experiencing. To overcome this you can use any number of methods to release the fear, including deep breathing, meditation, exercising, painting, drawing or many other creative pursuits along with focusing on this very moment of now.

I have also found the Sedona Method which I have very effective at releasing fear and negative feelings that may overcome you.

The Sedona Method, in basic.

1) Start by just becoming ultimately aware of the moment.
2) Become aware of the thought you are having.
3) Notice where you feel it in your body, if you cant feel it, dont worry.
4) Begin asking yourself if you could allow yourself to let it go. "Could I let this thought/feeling/____ go?" Then answer yourself.
5) Next, ask yourself "If I could, would I let this thought/feeling/____ go?" Then answer.
6) Next, ask yourself "When?" and then answer yourself.

In summary, to receive manifestations you must be free of resistant thoughts and fears as they are contrary to the non-physical natural position of abundance and prosperity and this will put you in the flow of creation.

I will explore all these in detail further in the coming chapters.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chapter 2 - The Basics Part 1

1/ Determine your desire. Find clarity.

This is what I want.

I think most of us would believe to be the easiest part of the process. Just give me $10,000,000 and I will be happy! This is assumes that money is the path to happiness and while there is no doubt that it can certainly make life more comfortable, but there are plenty of examples of people who possess large amounts of money living less than happy lives. Money is purely a latent form of energy that can be used for both positive and negative purposes. There are times in our life where need this pure form of energy to achieve our desires but in most circumstances it is better focus on objects or specific occurrence as it is easier to hold appositive image. Many of us have negative feelings and thoughts about money, as we are acutely aware about experiencing the lack of it in our life. This means there is a significant risk that the vibrations we generate are of lack of money, rather than its abundance, thus perpetuating its absence in our lives.

So it is about distilling the essence of your desires. It is a search for joy rather than “keeping up with the Joneses” type aspirations. When you think about your desires it should promote feelings of happiness and wellness. These positive feelings are indicator that our thoughts and desires are in alignment with our non-physical side..

Many of us temper our dreams and desires with thoughts of rationality. I’d love that but…..followed by 2500 reasons and justifications as to why these dreams and desires can’t manifest. It is important to free ourselves of these conditional thoughts. It is not about generating a plan or strategy that you think will bring your desires. It is purely about the essence of your desires. It is up to the non-physical to manifest your desires.

Write it down. Compose a story. Make a list. Collect photos or brochures. Create a mind picture. Use anything that will bring you to the feeling of having your desire. Be definite in what you want.

I will cover this in detail later.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 1 – Introduction

The essence of the Law of Attraction is “Like attracts like.” In the context of our lives we are vibrational beings and therefore the energy that we emit through our thoughts and words return to us in like form. Thus if we emit positive energy what returns in our life is therefore positive. Conversely if we emit negative energy then what we will receive will be negative. The Law of Attraction is not discerning. It is not the arbiter of good and bad. It merely returns like with like.

The Law of Attraction is always in play. It cannot be switched on or off but you can make the decision to deliberately manifest the life you desire rather than allow the Law of Attraction to create your life by default.

To engage the LOA there are 3 steps:

In the Abraham-Hicks book, “Ask and it is Given”, manifesting desires is given as a 3 Part process.

Step 1 (your work): You ask.

Step2 (not your work): The answer is given.

Step3: (your work) The answer, which has been given, must be received or allowed (you have to let it in).

So the framework to choosing what will manifest in our life is simple. Decide what we want. Ask for if. Wait for it to arrive and finally receive it. So why do most people struggle with this concept?

The reason that many people struggle with the Law of Attraction (LOA) is that this process is contradictory to how most of us were taught how to live our lives. We are brought up in environment, which is what I call action based. It is predicated on the idea that man is responsible for all that comes to him and that what you receive is solely dependent on how hard you work and therefore man is solely responsible for what he receives in life. The fallacy of this idea is shown by the fact that many people work hard and seem to be worthy of the prosperity and yet it consistently alludes them. I think a lot of us ca relate to this. In contrast there are others who seem to live charmed existences with prosperity and abundance constantly theirs.

So what could be the factor that differentiated these two groups. The Law of Attraction!

If life has consistently served up struggle and the fight of struggle is constantly in a persons thoughts, then this is what will manifest in their lives. For many of us we expect of the future what we have experienced in the past. So unless we make a shift in our expectations of the future then we continue to experience re-runs of the experiences we have had in the past.

Alternatively, if life has been a constant flow of prosperity and we have found that what we desire consistently comes into our lives then it follows that our experiences are going to be prosperous and positive.

This underlines - Like attracts like.

The intent behind this handbook is to provide a process that will allow you to move to the position of creating your future in the fashion you desire rather than continuing to live a re-hash of what you have already experienced.

I have found the key to this is the awareness and management of what you are feeling. So this is not a 10 Step Program, which promises success as long as you meticulously follow every step. It is about changing the process of the way we are living, using our feelings as the compass to provide direction to the things we desire.

Join me each week and I am sure your life will change to the positive.