Monday, June 28, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work

Part 2

Each morning do your meditation. First thing before yopu eat is probably best, most importantly it should be done before you start your day proper. Before work, or school or your daily chores. This will ensure you are free of fear or resistance. then you can use your intentions.

I intend to be joyful.
Feel the joy.
I Intend to be propserous.
Feel the prosperity.
I intend to fit and healthy.
Feel the vibrancy.
I intend to have an awsome life.
Feel the exhiliration

This sets the tone for your day. This should promote good positive feelings for the day.

Now turn you intention to you more specific desires.

I intend to have a great new car.
Imagine driving the car to work. Remember the feeling.

I intend to have a great new work.
See your excelling at your great new job. How good does it feel. Remember the feeling.

I intend to travel overseas.
I am at the airport. I'm upgraded to business. Ready to go! remember the feeling.

Next item. I intend to be in great shape.
I can go all day. I look great. How great do I feel? Remember it!

Next item. I have great new friends.
Feel the fun of mixing. The laughter and the joy. Remember the feeling.

So now we are ready to begin the day proper. Feeling good. Tuned up for our desires.

At this point we need to release our desires to the universe. They do not need to be in the forefront of consciousness all day. We now delegate this to the divine.

At first, it is appropriate to do this each morning with a focus of maintaining the feeling of wellness during the day. Of course we all know that our days can be full of incidents and interactions that can soon bring feelings of anger and annoyance. I have worked for a couple of managers that were very skilled at removing any motivation in their morning meetings, through threats and imitimidation.

So to promote continuing good feelings during the day you may need to find 2 minutes to yourself and re-state your intentions and even maybe grab a couple of minutes of meditation (the more frequently you meditate the quicker you will be able to reach a calm state and the bigger the benefit acheived will be) and reclaim that positive feeling.

As you progress I would recommend purchase a small note pad or use your smart phone to note daily intentions. These can specific to the day and help maintain a positive tone

A big meeting or presentation.
I intend to be calm and confident.

Starting a new job.
I intend to excel in my work.

Wanting joy.
I intend to have an awsome day.

Building a relationship.
I intend to be loving and caring.

Wanting fitness and health.
I intend to be invigorated and active.

Where as we were to looking to set the tone of our life with the initial intentions on our "I Intend To..."

These are intentions for the moment of now. As you navigate your way through your day, if the compass that is your feelings indicates that you are negatively creating, we can use our intention to change our thoughts in a more positive direction.

So the "I Intend To...." sheet is the general direction we are setting course for. The daily intentions are the is the street address.

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