Monday, July 12, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work Part 4

Positive Outcomes

To ensure we receive our desires it is important that we create and retain a positive tone to our lives. As the LOA dictates that "like attracts like" it is then logical that is we can maintain afeeling of positivity then this this is what we will create in our life.

The second step of the "Three Phases of Creation" is expectation. Intention is the statment of our desires, Expectation is us opening to receive our desires. It is a statment of certainty and faith that we are going to receive our desires.

I expect to have a great new car.

I expect to have a great new work.

I expect to travel overseas.

I expect to be in great shape.

I expect great new friends.

I expect to get a new car every 3 years.

I expect to move into a new house this year.

I expect to meet my obligations with plenty left over to do the things I love.

I expect to receive large amounts of money.

I expect to have a great life.

Expectation is devoid of hope or wishing. It is carreid by certainty and faith for the outcome. The elimination of doubt drives away fear and worry. It helps you see the desired outcomes only in positive terms.

So at he beginning of our creating we are outlining our intentions. Then as we experience good feelings indicating our alignment with the vibrations of our desire we can build our vibrations with statements of expectation as above. Now we are are looking to increase the feeling of having. Of actually being in the place of our desires. We move to the position of Law.

I call this law, because these statements form the framework of our lives. They are the thoughts that through repetiton they become our reality. They become the laws that we make for ourselves by which we live our lives.

I am a good worker.
I am always in trouble.
I always come last.
I am lucky.
I am a nice person.
I always get want I want.
I find life a struggle.
I earn good money.
I love life.

You can see how each of these thoughts would attract very different outcomes. So it is our goal to move our thoughts to attract positive outcomes. These thoughts will generate positive feelings indicating that we are in alignment with our non-physical selves and by using The Three Phases of Creation we can achieve this.

Step Back and Receive

Now we've calarifiied our desires. We've released our resistance and fear. we've built our vibrations using The Three Phases of Creation and focuseed on only seeing positive outcomes. Now it's up to source!

This is the time for certainty faith in the manifest of our desires. The key to this is our feelings. they are the compass that guides us to creating positively. It is important that you don't try maintain a constant focus on our desires. They don't have to at the forefront of our conscious for us to receive them. In fact this is counter productive. I have had the best results when I focus on being calm and feeling positive.

Intend to be calm and positive.

Ground in the moment

Is the exerperience that I am worrying about going to happen right now?

Is this a life threatening circumstance?

Are there other possible outcomes to this situation?

I safe where I am right now?

Am I Ok? YES!

So that means you don't have to act right this very minute and that you are safe and there are possible outcomes that are different to those in your thoughts that are generating in our thoughts.

So take a breath! I am calm!

Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the calm.

If the feeling of fear persists. Reach for abetter thought. Enjoy the positive feeling this creates.

If you are still overcome with fear and dread, Use the Sedona method previously described and which is further described in "The Tools" secton.

What we are aiming for is a positive feeling of calm and wellbeing. We should monitor our feelings to promote its continuance.

It is from this state that we can receive our desired manifestations. Calm. Positive. Even joyful. Just there in the moment.

From here amazing things can happen!

I think for many people this is the hardest of all things to do because we are brought up to take action to achieve our desires. Here we are delegating the creation of our desires to source. Hold to positive feelings and if doubt or fear creep in, look for a better thought or move your thoughts to a place of feeling good, as we are looking to move into the divine flow, enabling the non-physical to create our desires.

The creative force of the non-physical dwarfs that of what we are able o achieve in the physical realm through our actions and so it is important that we do not interfere with the process by trying to giving it an earthly help along. Our role now is to stand back, and maintain a positive tone which will help facilitate the arrival of your desires. We are looking for inspired action.

Our feelings are our compass. They show whether are thoughts and therefore vibrations we are sending out are in alignment with the creation of our desires.
Fearful thoughts about the future are for most of us, a very difficult habit to change. So we need to be conscious of our feelings and release any negative feelings as shown in step 2, then seek a better thought.
This connection with our feelings will also aid us in being in touch with our intuition. those little whispers from our sub-conscious which will guide us to inspired action. Then we will receive our desires.

Our expectation of the future is a key determinant of what we will receive. An optimistic disposition is not always easy to maintain in the hurly burly of modern life where aggression and anger are often seen as key tools to obtaining what you want, differing enormously from the creative techniques using the LOA.

I found a great way to maintain way to maintain a positive feeling in ones life is to:


Be open to receiving your desire. Be ready. Calmly accept and be thankful.

If you enter each day with the expectation of wonderful things then the LOA can respond with things that reflect that expectation. Expect the best!

As we hold this expectation and feel the wellness it brings we can stay in the position of positive creation. This is where e need to allow ourselves to be. In a positive and expectant state. Not trying to create. We are allowing our manifestations to come us. The emphasis is not effort but our vibrations. these are what create our desires.


  1. Thanks for writing this. I write a blog about the law of attraction and you've covered some points that really inspired me. I'd like to say thanks becuase now I can help more people by offering greater value :-)

  2. Thankyou for reading my post. It's always nice to think you can help others.

    I am soory it has taken me so long to respond but work has been dominating my life lately and so I have not been tending the blog as reguarly as I would normally.

    Once again many thanks for the feed back.
