Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Embracing Wellbeing - Designer Bodies

Chapter 12 for Radical Attraction is still baking in the oven. Sorry for the delay.

In the mean time here is another installment in "Embracing Wellbeing" Today's piece is on "Designer Bodies". I did promise a process for engaging the Law of Attraction, but that will have to wait for another day, as I have at least one more topic in the pipeline before I get there, so please be patient. i am intending to try and crack up the output.

Also have started posting "Embracing Wellbeing" at :

Well that's the end apologies here is the latest installment.

There are 7 billion people on the planet which means there are 7 billion body types with 7 billion life paths, so why, when anybody decides they want to change their body to something they are happier with, do we almost universally  approach it from perspective that our bodies are merely machines and that the only way to lose weight is by reducing our input and increasing our output of energy. You see it on TV and hear it on the radio. Dieticians and health experts who are scarecrow thin being  superior about their thinness and sanctimonious to those who are not quite so thin. You can also it on those dubious weight loss shows, which take a group of people and torture them to lose weight. Extreme exercise,  vilification, humiliation and nasty temptation stunts are all standard fare as the contestants are bullied into weight loss. Invariably the successful candidates end up with gym junky and athlete type of bodies. Is there a another way? Is  weight is success irrevocably connected to the attainment of an athletic body.

What if you didn't want an a gym junky or athletes body? What other sorts of bodies can be created? 

Maybe you want a resilient, disease free body.A healthy body. A fun body. An adventurous body. A lithe body. A dancer's body. A spiritual body.  A gardener's body. A lover's body. A wiry body. A worker's body. A sleek body. A cuddly body. A handy man's body. A walker's body. A yoga body. A wonderful body. A happy body!

What sort of designer body do you want? How would it feel? How good would you feel?

A good body doesn't necessarily have to be low on fat and big on muscle to be perfect. Surely there are many styles of body that may carry you through life better than one that is sculptured in a gym or pounded into oblivion on the running track.

A good body should embrace wellbeing and be configured to carry you efficiently and effectively through the all the events that make up your life. Often just by doing the things you love will promote wellness in your life. Maybe you can build on your wellness by doing more with out the aid of machines, gadgets and cars. I believe activity promotes wellbeing, yet much of what we call progress is designed to make our bodies do less. But do a little more and your body will do a little more. This will promote wellbeing. You'll feel better. You'll do things better. You'll be able to do a little more.You'll feel better. You'll do things better. You'll be able to do a little more. You get the idea. Wellness and wellbeing attract wellness and wellbeing and life must improve.

There are many special occasions in life where we celebrate with the sharing of food. Weddings, parties, religious festivals and friendships. These are times when we commune with food and enjoy the pleasures of eating food. Sometimes we even eat food purely for it's own pleasure, which is supported by the large number of restaurants in many cities. Sharing food heightens our pleasure  and builds bonds between people and builds relationships. So we could define the difference between dining and eating. Dining treats food and the experience of eating and sharing it with reverence, respect and joy. Eating reflects the mere fuelling of our bodies.

Most of the diets in existence treat food as a mere fuel with no allowance for the pleasures that food might bring. Food is only appraised on its constituents and its bio-mechanical effect. This stance brings with it the concepts of good and bad food. This food is good fuel. This food is bad fuel. This builds resistance and this resistance can effect the way our body absorbs the constituents of the food we eat as because it means that our body is not in sympathy with the food we eat. In my previous blog offered the proposition:

"Food is my friend!"

This can remove us from this position of good or bad and allow us to focus on the wellbeing that food we eat promotes. This wellbeing can be the joy food brings us as well as nutrition.

If we accept there is a divine force, life force, life energy or supreme being, then it opens the possibity to treat your body as more than a mere machine. It allows us to engage the divine law of attraction in gaining the body we desire.The law of attraction tells us that "like attracts like" and so any resistance to food will attract the elements that we fear most. That is, it will hinder or eliminate our weight loss. So when you next sit down to eat consciously focus on the feeling you have about this food. It's very likely that the feeling is negative.

If the food is what we would nominally label "bad" you will probably have a grating, negative feeling.

If the food is what we would nominally call "good" the feelings maybe more positive, but you may have resentment because you feel compelled to eat this type of food so as to maintain your body.

So if you have these type of feelings try:

"Food is my friend!"

How does that feel? Better? So try it at each meal."Food is my friend!" Notice the wellbeing this promotes. How good does it feel?

When you're being active think of the "designer body" you desire. Feel what it would be like and good it would it feel. The   Law of Attraction will respond  to the vibrations these thoughts with like conditions. This is how we deliberately create change in our lives. Choose our desire. Think we want and enjoy and immerse ourselves in the way this feels.

Try it! Start creating your "Designer Body" now!

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