Monday, June 28, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work

Part 2

Each morning do your meditation. First thing before yopu eat is probably best, most importantly it should be done before you start your day proper. Before work, or school or your daily chores. This will ensure you are free of fear or resistance. then you can use your intentions.

I intend to be joyful.
Feel the joy.
I Intend to be propserous.
Feel the prosperity.
I intend to fit and healthy.
Feel the vibrancy.
I intend to have an awsome life.
Feel the exhiliration

This sets the tone for your day. This should promote good positive feelings for the day.

Now turn you intention to you more specific desires.

I intend to have a great new car.
Imagine driving the car to work. Remember the feeling.

I intend to have a great new work.
See your excelling at your great new job. How good does it feel. Remember the feeling.

I intend to travel overseas.
I am at the airport. I'm upgraded to business. Ready to go! remember the feeling.

Next item. I intend to be in great shape.
I can go all day. I look great. How great do I feel? Remember it!

Next item. I have great new friends.
Feel the fun of mixing. The laughter and the joy. Remember the feeling.

So now we are ready to begin the day proper. Feeling good. Tuned up for our desires.

At this point we need to release our desires to the universe. They do not need to be in the forefront of consciousness all day. We now delegate this to the divine.

At first, it is appropriate to do this each morning with a focus of maintaining the feeling of wellness during the day. Of course we all know that our days can be full of incidents and interactions that can soon bring feelings of anger and annoyance. I have worked for a couple of managers that were very skilled at removing any motivation in their morning meetings, through threats and imitimidation.

So to promote continuing good feelings during the day you may need to find 2 minutes to yourself and re-state your intentions and even maybe grab a couple of minutes of meditation (the more frequently you meditate the quicker you will be able to reach a calm state and the bigger the benefit acheived will be) and reclaim that positive feeling.

As you progress I would recommend purchase a small note pad or use your smart phone to note daily intentions. These can specific to the day and help maintain a positive tone

A big meeting or presentation.
I intend to be calm and confident.

Starting a new job.
I intend to excel in my work.

Wanting joy.
I intend to have an awsome day.

Building a relationship.
I intend to be loving and caring.

Wanting fitness and health.
I intend to be invigorated and active.

Where as we were to looking to set the tone of our life with the initial intentions on our "I Intend To..."

These are intentions for the moment of now. As you navigate your way through your day, if the compass that is your feelings indicates that you are negatively creating, we can use our intention to change our thoughts in a more positive direction.

So the "I Intend To...." sheet is the general direction we are setting course for. The daily intentions are the is the street address.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work

Part 1

Now we covered an overview of the Law of Attraction, let's now put into form that you can utilise it on a day to day basis.

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.” ~Brian Tracy

This is the essence of what we are trying to do with the Law of Attraction. Focus on our desires, thus overcoming our fears and as "Like is Attracted to Like", attract our desires.

But it is a little easier said than done. Fear can be all pervasive in our lives and moving from these feelings to focus on our desires can be difficult, as foucusing on future possible dramas and calamities is deeply ingrained in many of us. Therefore it is helpful to have some tools to move you to positive thoughts and hold you in the position of feeling good.

As our feelings are our compass, guiding us to where we are positively creating, in alignment with our desires, the focus will be to learn a process, using our feelings, that will focus us towards our desires and help build the positive vibrations. Then help maintain us in position of posivity, allowing us to receive our desires. The first step is determining what we want.

It is likely that we think we know what we want, but if we exmaine our thoughts closely that we will find a mish-mash of hopes, desires and implied obligation. So our first task is to find clarity. The greater clarity, the more likely that manifestation will occur.

We need to distill our thoughts into key areas that we can focus. How do we do this? We can use a number of resources to capture our desires, which will then allow us to focus on manifesting our desires.

Clarifying Desires Session

Prior to focussing on our desire, we need to collect some resources to use in a clarifying session. For a week or two prior to the session you need to keep you eye open for things that tweek your desires. You're reading a magazine or a magazine.

"Wow I love the look of that beach! I want to go there!" Cut it out. Put it in a manila folder or similar. it's now on file.

"Love that car!' In the file.

"I want to wear that!" In the file.

"Look at that house!" In the file.

If you're more aural than visual. Right down the things that make your feel great.

The gathering of friends sitting on the tables outside the local restuarant enjoying sun and Chardonay. Love that!

The beach house with ocean view. Yes Please

The cruise liner visiting Pacific Islands. I can feel the warm sun on my skin now. Mmmmmm!

Capture the essence for later.

You could use technology to make a slide show of the pictures you've found whilst surfing the net, or take photos on you smart phone, which you can browse through when you've got a spare five minutes.

What we are trying to is to gather stimuli for our desires that create good feelings, which means they are enhancing our vibration.


Initially it is best to set a side some quality solo time to do this. It needs to be free of distraction. A time when you can be alone with your thoughts and feelings, free of interference and input from others, as this is personal. It's all about you.

This process needs to be free of effort. "I'm gonna manifest with the LOA or else. I am determined. I'm goonna make it happen!" It should be joyful. It should feel free and flowing. Striving for a specific outcome delivered in a particular way is not what this is about. What we are doing is asking the non-physical for our desires. Delivery from source may take forms and methods we cannot imagine and therefore it is important to release our desires, delegating it to source for creation.

To start the session I would recommend you begin with meditation. This is like rebooting your computer. It will clear you of the negative vibrations you have accumulated during the day. I would actually recommend you find 15 to 20 minutes every morning to meditate. For those who don't currently parctise, I have include my "easy" meditation method at that end. I'm sure that you will find it beneficial as it promotes wellness and wellbeing.

Now you're feeling good and calm, you should make the room to your liking. Gentle soft music (rock, rap etc is not really appropriate here), incense or aromatherapy, anything that enhances a calm environment is good here.

Now gather the items you have collected and spread them on a table or the floor. Follow your intuition and pick the item which attracts you most.. Hold it. Feel it. Enjoy it. Know the feeling.

Now steadily work your way through each item Sorting the items that provoke the strongest positive feelings into one pile and those items which a lessre feeling into the other. Follow the flow. The sorting should be intuitive. now we should have two piles. One of items that promote really strong feelings and one pile that promotes less strong feelings which we put aside for use at another time.

Hopefully you have a pile of four or five items which promote strong enjoyable feelings. Now we are going to work on building the vibration.

Building Vibration

"It is a well known fact that one comes, finally, to believe whatever one repeats to one's self, whether the statement be true or false. If a man repeats a lie over and over, he will eventually accept the lie as truth. Moreover, he will believe it to be the truth. Every man is what he is, because of the dominating thoughts which he permits to occupy his mind."

Napoleon Hill

Now we are going to use the "Three Phases of Creation" to build vibration.

The Three Phases of Creation is a tool that you can use to build you vibrational expectancy so you can receive your desires.

The three phases are:

Intention - commit
Expectation - believe
Law - receive


Take a piece of paper and right on the top "I intend to....". By intending we are setting up vibrational patterns for our desires. Intention forms the framework for our creating and is the general form for our life. We should make intentions that will set the overall tone of our lives.

I intend to be joyful.
Feel the joy. How good does it feel? Write it down.
I Intend to be propserous.
Feel the prosperity. A wonderful feeling. Write it down.
I intend to fit and healthy.
Feel the vibrancy. Write it down.
I intend to have an awsome life.
Feel the exhiliration Write it down.

This sets the tone for our living. A positive foundation for the creation of our desires.

Now to be more specific.

The first picture maybe of a new car.
I intend to have a great new car.

Not to specific make, model or colour here. Save that for the thoughts you having about this car. The clunk of the door. The feeling of the leather seats. The exhiliration of the acceleration.

Next item. I intend to have a great new work.
Feel the confidence. Feel the joy of doing something you love. Feel how prosperous you feel.

Next item. I intend to travel overseas.
I am at the airport. I'm upgraded to business. I've got a great itinerary. I'm excited!
Feel the joy of seeing great scenery. meeting different cultures and enjoying fabulous food and experiences.

Next item. I intend to be in great shape.
I can go all day. I look great. I feel great.

Next item. I have great new friends.
Feel the fun of mixing with great people with matching vibrations. Enjoy the laughter and the good times.

Now we have a document with which we can build the vibrations to create the life you desire.

To repeat Tom's words.

"I mean make a solid INTENTION that no matter what, you are going to stick to holding yourself up to a standard. Make this intention like a commitment where it almost has the urgency that your life depends on this. You need to keep this intention no matter what--even if you have no support, even if people diss you, even if you keep getting rejected, even if your finances are sinking one day, even if your lover leaves you, even if you get insulted, even if your parents are not supportive---stay committed people. I'm sorry, but a lot of you guys need to amp up your Power and persistence levels. Get passionate and fired up guys."

Tom's Blog - Powerful intentions.

Intention is the announcement of your desires in your life I Intend.....It's more than hoping. It is more than wishing. It has a certain determination behind. I commit to this!

The "I Intend To" list now gives you a powerful tool to build your vibrations.

Now we can begin to put in place a process for each day.

I will continue this in Part 2 shortly.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 7 - Allow Source

Allow Source

Now we are clear on what we want. We are using our feelings as a compass to point us in the direction of positive creation.

Now it's Source's turn. Now we must stand clear and let the dynamic power of the non-physical to create our desires and be ready to receive.

Sounds simple doesn't it? But most of us are grounded in the world of the physical, where things are done by doing, and it can be very difficult to avoid just giving source a little earthly help along. This can be detrimental to the receipt of our desires.

Instead of doing, we need to build our vibration until we are in alignment with the non-physical at which point we will feel the inspiration to act. Intuition has a key role toplay in this It is at this point where inspired creation will occur. We are at the stage of Law. Our beliefs, which thoughts repeated so often that they become our relatity, are now shaping ou lievs.

I am trim, fit and healthy
I am abundant.
I am out going confident.
I am prosperous.
I am a great person.
We are leveraging the awesome power of source to create our desires and this requires faith and certainty. Faith and certainty that you will receive, will allow you to put your hands behind our back, so to speak, to allow the divine to work for you. You are delegating these desires to the non-physical to create for you. There is no half way house here. You can't go and buy a lottery ticket in case source doesn't come through for you!

You can't have a backup a plan. This all or nothing territory! You're handing it over to the divine 100
% or you going to be disappointed.

It's your choice!

There can't be any little twinges of doubt. You are GOING to receive. The who why when or how is up to source. I find it useful to stop and check my feelings. Look at them. Examine them. Am I truly free of resistance.? What are those twinges around the edges? What I often find is that even though overall tone of what I am feeling is good, there are often twinges of resistance. Stop at look at them.

Am I truly open to receiving money or there is a tiny morsel of doubt? I find I can gently release these twinges. You don't need a sledge hammer. Just gently release them. Use the Sedona Method if required.

It is important to also be aware that trying is resistance. This demonstrates lack of faith in source. If we are "trying" we have slipped back into our earthly action first mode And the problem with wanting to deliberately manifest using the LOA is that is very easy to slip into trying mode.

"I'm going to make LOA work or else!"

This is a resistant thought. We must allow our desires.

Often you hear of athletes being in the zone, where they talk about being in the zone where things seem to slow down and they feel at one with what they are doing. This is where we need to be when we are receiving our desires. We need to be free of fear and in the moment of now That is where receive, like the athlete is the moment of now when they perform at their peak. The moment of creation.

Our job is to remain open to all the possibilities that may enter our lives and gratefully receive them on arrival.