Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daily Creation Process using the Law of Attraction

Life is about certainty not hope. Certainty is created by the reptition of a thought which overtime becomes accepted as a belief. It is this framework of beliefs that creates the life we live.

The Daily Framework

AS we have covered an awful lot of groungd in "My Law of Attraction Handbook" I giving you an outline of a process that we can use everyday to create your desires harnessing the Law Of Attraction. If you are unsure of the processes I am talking about, you go to the earlier chapters of the Handbook wherre you will find detailed explanations.

For this proces you will need a small notebook you can carry with you during the day or a "smart" phone or PDA with which you can take notes.

What we want to do on a daily basis is change our thought and feeling patterns about the things we desire and encounter everyday. Most of us have engrained thoughts about life and our role in it. This framework created our reality because it becomes what we have experience because it is what we are attracting.

"The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear." ~Brian Tracy

1/ Days Start - Reboot and Refresh

To start the day I recommend meditation for at least 15 to 20 minutes, but 30 minutes is great. The importance of this is that it serves like rebooting a computer. It helps clear out negativities that you ma have collected during the previous day and allows us to start the day invigorated and fresh. As we are going to use our feelings as our compass as to how we are creating, clearing negativity becomes really important.

To change these thought patterns requires practice and patience. So to do this I offer a framework to use to help develop this and as time goes on you can adapt it to suit your needs to set the tone of your day.

The framework is based on using the Three Phases of Creation.

To revise three phases are:

Intention - commit
I intend to have my joyful right work.
I intend to travel overseas.
I intend to excel at my work.

Expectation - believe
I expect prosperity.
I expect fantastic adventures in my life.
I expect to meet new and interesting people.

Law - faith and certainty
I am abundant and debt free.
I am fit and healthy.
I am my right weight.

2/ Set the Tone
Dedicate a page in your note book. Put the date at the top and write what you intend for the day so that when feelings of fear and ill ease arrive during the day you can take a minute and "re-tune" your vibrations.

At your earliest convenience in the morning we should "intend" for the day. You can do this over breakfast, in the car on the way to work whilst stopped at traffic lights, anyway the makes an easy fit in your day. This process is designed to set the tone of the day so that the things you desire will flow into your day. It is designed to stop you feeling as though you have gotten of the wrong side of bed!

The intention can include items from the "clarity" exercise.

I intend to be prosperous and abundant.
I intend to excel at work.
I intend to be joyful.
I intend to meet great people.

As well as things that are specific for today.

Maybe you've got a big meeting.
I intend to be calm and confident.

Maybe there is a confrontation looming.
I intend to allow others point of view.

Or you can have the all purpose statement.
I intend to have a great day!

As you progress in this process you may feel you want to advance to the next phase. This should be natural. If the statement comes to you, go with it!

I expect an easy flow of money.
I expect great success.
I expect fun and joyful experiences.
I expect to make new friends.

And as you progress still further, you can move to the "I am" and " I have" statements that become your personal "Law".

I am abundant.
I am prosperous
I have fantastic friends.
I have my ideal partner.
I am joyful.

3/ Collecting

As during the "Clarity " exercise, You need to become a collector. Continue to add to you list of desires.

See someone in a great new car. On the list.
A big new TV. On the list.
Some great clothes. On the list.

The list then becomes the resource to intend, expect and create law.

It is important when you see someone with things that you desire that the pangs of envy and jealousy do not arise. Instead admire the person for being able to become vibrationally aligned with such things.

4/ The Compass

Through out the day you need to monitor your feelings to determine if you are creating positively or negatively. During the hustle and bustle of a modern workday this can be difficult.
Look for natural opportunities such as coffee and lunch break to take a moment, and it is only a moment to check how you feeling. You could even set the alarm on your phone or PDA to remind you to pause for 10 seconds and check how you are feeling.

Feeling good. Consult the intentions you wrote down in the morning and read.

"I intend to have a great day!"

Feeling fearful. Consult the intentions you wrote down in the morning and read.

We can also use your expectation to check that are buliding our vibrations in alignment. We can check our "expectation" by asking:

"What am I expecting?"

For example we desire money to pay some bills.

We create a picture of the statement with a zero balance. We feel good.

But subsequently during the day we suffer felings of worry and doubt.

Ask: "What am I expecting?"

Exploring your feeliings and you find they are driven by the fear and worry about what will happen if you don't pay the bills on time.

No we choose a new thought and move to a better feeling place.

" I Intend to be abundant!"

"I intend to be calm and confident."

Still no improvement?

" I intend to have a great day"
"I intend to receive large sums of money"
"I am joyful and Happy!"

Once we are experiencing good or improved feelings we can move on with our day as we have moved our vibrations closer to alignment with the non-physical.

"There is nothing more important than feeling good"
Abraham - Hicks.

So by following this process during the day we can ensure we are positively creating.

5/ Give Thanks!

One area I have used LOA very successfully is in my sales career where I found if I could create a positive vibration that sales literally came to me in the most amazing ways. But what I did find was that if a sale did come to me that I had to maintain myself in the moment otherwise the sale would fall through in all sorts of inexplicable ways. So I had to ensure that I processed the sale focussed in that moment. Not think about how many sales I had done for the day or what it meant for my monthly target. I recently saw a Wayne Dyer video on intent and he was talking about not telling people about what your intentions were as this exposed them to ego and maybe this is what is at work here. That once I matched my creating to an ego driven score card it disrupted the creating vibrations.

So I found that when it appeared as though I was about to receive, I would give thanks!

Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!

I found this help my thoughts from straying but it also put me position of feeling as though I had already received which means my vibrations are in alignment with the non-physical.

I also think it is a great thing at the end of the day to review the feelings and experiences and say a gentle THANKYOU.

"Thankyou for the great people I met."

"Thankyou for the money that flowed to me today."

"Thankyou for the successful meeting I had today."

"Thankyou for the great sales I made today."

"Thankyou for my great family."

It helps you align and puts you in a great place for the following day.

Daily Summary

1/ Days Start - Meditation - Reboot and Refresh

2/ Set the Tone - I intend to.....

3/ Collecting - What do I want?

4/ The Compass - What am I feeling? What do I expect?

5/ Give Thanks!

With practice these simple steps will become part of your normal day and allow you to active create and live apositive and wondeful life.

SO iwish you great creating and remember to:

Always Expect the Best!

Graham T has been seeking to live a better life through enlightment and spirituality for over 25 years and feels compelled to share his ideas, concepts and the fruits of his journey so far.

Heavily influenced by the writings of Florence Scovel Shinn and Neale Donald Walsch, it was the revelation by Abraham with Esther and Jerry Hicks that our feelings can be used as a guide to indicate whether weare in alignment with our non-physical selves, that enabled Graham to make large forward leaps in his life, after being bound by his sensitivity and the intensity of feelings that he experienced in the preseding years in his life.

His writing describes his experiences in this journey.

If you would like to learn more, visit my blog Law of Attraction Handbook for weekly installments.

To learn more about Abraham with Esther and Jerry Hicks go to:
