Monday, September 10, 2012

An Easy Law of Creation Process.

A little while ago I distilled a creation process, that works for me, down to a fairly concise form. I was looking at it this week and felt I should share it, so here it is.


Appreciate where you are and be ready for more. You need to be in a good place to start.

You can't create great things when all you focus is how bad things are. That's where gratitude comes in. If you are thankful for what we have and where we are, it places you in a positive vibrational frame from where good things can happen.

Be thankful for  your partner, even though sometimes might be rocky. Remember the good times and the beautiful children you've created.

Be thankful for the house you live in, even though it may not be a mansion. Think of the great times you've had there.

Be thankful of your body, even though it may not be the exact shape that you like. Remember  all the good things it's carried you through and allowed you to do.

Be thankful for the job you have, even it feels like a dead end sometimes. Think of the things the money has allowed you to do.

Be thankful for your car. It may not be the latest uropean model, but appreciate all the places its taken you to.

Be thankful........

 Think what you want.

Imagine: "How good could things be?"

These thoughts should be free of rational constraint. They should be unconditional. That is they should not be:

"If I get this job, I'll have this money, then I can buy this house."

"If I enough money I would travel."

"If I was thinner I'd be happy."

We are invoking the universe to create our desire and the method of fulfillmet of desire should be left to the divine.

It is important  to focus on how good life can be to keep you in vibration with your desires. These thoughts should bring a feeling of wellbeing. This indicates that you vibrations are  in alignment with your desires.

Use "The Three Phases Of Creation".

This a dynamic creation process that utilises the Law of Attraction. As you move through each phase it is designed intensify your vibration to the point of receiving.

The Phases are:

Intention: We set an intention as to our desire. Setting an intention, "I intend to excel in my work." has implied movement to our desire. It is more powerful the setting a goal, because there is no implied action. A goal is static, "My goal is to excel at my work." but you are not bound to action.

I Intend to be Abundant. 
I Intend to be joyful. 
I Intend to be happy. 

Expectation: If you set an intention, but your expectation is that you will not succeed,"I'm never going to get a decent job." then the vibration you are setting is one of failure and the Law of Attraction will respond accordingly.

I expect great results in my work.
I expect an easy flow of money.  
I expect to be highly paid for my work.

I Am!: At this point you will be in vibrational alignment with your desires and in a place to receive them. 

I am flush with money. 
I am loving my ideal work!
I am highly paid.

For more on the "Three Phases of Creation" go to: Practical Attraction

Release Negativity

Even when you start engaging the Law of Attraction in his manner, you will find that the old thought habits will not take a holiday. Thoughts of fear and worry can disrupt the possitive vibrations that you are trying to create,

There are many methods that you can use to dislodge and shift this negativity and move back into vibrational alignement. They include:

Bach Flower Remedies
Aroma Therapy
Sedona Method

Whenever you feel that you are being overwhelmed by old thought patterns use the method of releasing negativity that suits you, so that you can stay in alignment with your desires.

Have a try! It takes practice. The thoughts and feelings we hold about ourselves can be deeply ingrained and can take some effort to overcome, so when those negative feelings arrive, work hard release them. Then re-focus on your intention, expecation and I Am! thoughts. When you again feel good, you're on track!