Saturday, April 24, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 3 - What Do I Want?

Chapter 3 – The Law of Attraction Handbook

What Do I Want?

The Law of Attraction is always in play. It cannot be switched on or off but you can make the decision to deliberately manifest the life you desire rather than allow the Law of Attraction to create your life by default. Our feelings are our indicator to whether we are creating positively, good feelings, or negatively, bad feelings. So we could say that our feelings are the compass that points us in the direction of our desires.

The focus of this handbook is to emphasise the use the monitoring of our feelings to guide us towards the things we want.

As outlined above there are main 4 steps we are going to follow and within those steps there are actions and processes we are going to follow which to create our desires.


This would seem to be a very simple question to answer but there are subtleties that must be taken into account if we are to positively harness the power of the LOA.

Our desires are paradoxical in that they can views from 2 perspectives like 2 sides of the same coin.

The two perspectives could be described, like a glass of water, as half full or half empty and this subtle difference in perspective can make a huge impact on what you receive in life.

Obviously the half full perspective is an optimistic view of life. It is free of fear and full of expectation as to the joy, happiness and abundance life is going to bring us in the future.

Conversely the half full interpretation of life is punctuated by fear and consternation of what the future holds and is heavily influenced by the negative experiences we have had in the past.

As an example, if we were to manifest money that we needed to pay some bills, the two different perspectives would be as follows:

The half full or optimistic view would focus on the good feelings and satisfaction of having already having the money and making the payment. It would also focus on the good feelings we would have by being up to date with our bills. We would also be thankful for the money and the services that we were provided by the company we are paying. We are feeling good!

It is important to note that these thoughts are always framed as having been completed. The bill are paid. Life’s good!

The half empty view would focus upon the fear and panic of not having enough money to pay the bills and the catastrophes that will be visited upon us if we don’t manage to find the money to pay the bills. We don’t sleep at night and we can only imagine that all hell is going to break loose if we don’t find the money!

So you can see the focus is on the same issue, paying a bill, but the different perspective provides a very different emphasis.

As the LOA is characterised by “like attracting like” then it is easy to see what sort of experiences the two stances would bring to our lives. This is the whole key to manifesting positively with the Law of Attraction. We can focus on our desires, but the mere focusing does not ensure that that we will receive our desires, as the focus needs to emphasise the positive aspect of having our desire. How good does it feel to have the money to pay bills. I see myself joyfully letting the money go out and seeing myself on the computer doing my electronic transfer. It’s done. Great! I am living my life joyfully because I am abundant!

Conversely if our focus is on the absence of what we desire, then given that LOA in action is “like attracts like”, then it will be the absence of our desire that persists.

“I never seem to have enough money.”

“The bills always seem to come at the wrong time.”

“It’s such a struggle.”

“I am really uptight about making this payment.”

“I am just so stressed! If only I won the lottery.”

“There just never seems to be enough money.”

In both cases we are focussing on money to pay a bill but the difference couldn’t be more palpable and it is not difficult to see which approach is going to be more successful in attracting the desired money.

The key point to this is that we must frame our desires in the most positive terms. All desires should seen in our thoughts as already being received. Just feel the emotion that his thought of your desire emotes in you.

“New car. Wow! The leather seats feel sooooo gooood! Love that quality door clunk. And the exhaust note is just awesome! Gliding through the traffic. Love this car!“

The emotions we must eliminate are hoping and wishing. These are the emotions of doubt. We may feel that we are thinking in positive terms but if we examine our feelings, we may find we are actually wishing or hoping for a manifestation, as we are not seeing it as already received. There is doubt that we will receive. This is a key issue. To engage the LOA we must demonstrate our faith in the non-physical to deliver our desires. Expectation is key. Un-wavering expectation will deliver our desires. Doubt will delay our desires.

How do we frame our desires?

Life is the sum of our of experiences. As we create this life reveals to us the experiences available to us and it is from these experiences, that we can choose those experiences we want to manifest to create our ongoing life.

You see someone driving a beautiful car to work. Admire it. Be joyful for them that they have manifest into their lives something so great. Enjoy the feeling you would experience when driving such a car.

You see a beautiful house. Feel the joy of living there.

You see some fantastic clothes. How great would you feel wearing them?

You see a wonderful island holiday in the travel section of the paper. You can feel the sun water right now!

Become a collector of desires. The aim here is to create a method of collecting information about your desires and storing in manner which easily accessible so that you can use them to evoke positive vibrations about the things you want to manifest.

Make a list.
Cut out photos.
Make a movie.
Make a power point presentation.
Create an App for your I-phone
Write a story
Buy magazines on the things you desire
Play with in your mind.
Put a poster on the wall.
Visit the shop or showroom where what you want is sold. Touch it. Feel it. Make friends with it.

Another thing that you can do is to prepare for you desires.
I was at my sisters for Sunday lunch recently, with a lot of other people, to farewell my niece as she is about to take up a position as an entertainer on a cruise ship in the Mediterranean. This was fantastic news as it has been a difficult path for her to find work as a singer/dancer.

We were sitting down to a lovely lunch when my sister came past checking to see we were all enjoying our lunch.

“Do you like my beach house plates?” She asked motioning to wards the lovely new china we were eating off.

“Beach house …plates.” I replied somewhat confused, as I was certain that my sister didn’t own a beach house.

“Yes.” She replied. “These are for the beach we are going to get.”

“West coast or down on the Peninsula.”

“Oh, definitely the Peninsula!” She confirmed.

My sister was deliberately creating even when she didn’t know it! The beach house was her desire for the future. They didn't have the money or finance or selected a house, but in her mind it is going to happen!

She has asked and is very definite about her desire, to the point that she has already selected and purchased the crockery for the house! You couldn’t get a higher level of expectation than already having purchased the crockery for your soon to appear beach house. Such a purchase in expectation of receiving your desire creates a very strong vibration, which is in alignment with your desire.

My sister was preparing to receive her desire and I am very sure that my sister will very soon have her beach house!

This method can be utilized in may different ways.

Want the car. Get the jacket.
Going on a holiday. Buy the bathers.
Flying overseas. Get the walk-on travel bag.
Love the new outfit. Buy the belt.
Would love a beach house. Get the plates!

This is powerful because it puts you in touch with the vibrations of your desires and build the expectation of receiving.

In Part 3 of this book, there will be a detailed program which will include specific processes to help you with this.

How good does it make you feel. This is alignment.

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