Monday, July 5, 2010

Law of Attraction Handbook - Chapter 8 - Putting Law of Attraction to Work Part 3

Part 3

Releasing Resistance

The natural state of things for the non-physical is propserity. Lack is a state only experienced our physical realm and is therefore out of alignment with none physical. this generates thoughts of resistance and fear which is revealing a key stumbling blocks to receiving our desires. so our work is to monitor our feelings to ensure we maintain a positive tone to our thoughts and therefore feelings.

Most of us hold thoughts which are resistant to the creation our desires.

I can only afford to buy used cars.
I'll only ever to be able to rent a house.
I never have enough money.
All I ever get is bills.
I never feel well.
I am unlucky.

These thoughts are in conflict with divines constant state of prosperity and therefore will hold you from your desires. Thoughts more in keeping wtih receiving your desires are:

I always buy a new car every 3 years.
I intemd to buy a new house this year.
I always have money to meet my obligations with planet left over to do the things I love.
I expect to receive large amounts of money.
I always feeel great!
Good things always happen to me!

The first statements are limiting. They restrict what you can receive to below your desires and in some cases things you don't want. Most of us carry around these limiting thoughts in our heads and this is a ripe area for work. The phrases you create in the "3 Phases of Creation" should be focussed on changing these to thoughts for positive creation.

As well as releasing resistant and fearful thoughts we can also use particular thought patterns to restrict the rise of such thoughts.

Detach From the Outcome

It is important that a desired outcome shouldn't be the dominating thought in your life. Ask. Build and know the vibration. Release to the non-physical. Don't hold the outcome in the forefront of you consciousness as this will stifle timely creation.

The Poker Method

What does poker have to do with the LOA I here you ask. Well nothing really except that I discovered this method indulging my obsession of playing on-line poker (points only) on Facebook. Initially I found playing really helpful in reducing my aversion to risk. Overtime I found that I could trust my intuition more readily which often helped my poker play enormously. But I have found the more I worry about the outcome, how many chips the other plays had, the size of the blinds and pots the less successful I was. After a while I found that if I ignored what level the competing players were at, how many chips they had and what the size of blinds were and just focussed on my cards and the communal cards, the better I did. This resonated with me as to what I needed to do when manifesting my desires. Foget about my score. Forget about other peoples scores. Forget about how much I can win or lose. Just focus on the where I am play right now and intend to be calm and open and god things come.

Don't focus on what other people have or do. There is enough for everyone!

Don't focus on how much I stand to gain or lose if a particular result occurs. Ignore the consequences!


Just focus on what I am feeling right now!

How do I feel?

Feaful? Use a statement from the "Three Pases of Creation".

Feeling good? Move on and enjoy life.

Ignore the Consequences

Success is created by focussing on what we want not we fear. So it is key that we do not focus on the consequences of our desires not manifesting. No thoughts of your world falling apart. No thoughts of your partner leaving you. No thoughts of the bank foreclosing on you house. No thoughts of fights or disagrements. Move your thoughts to this moment of now. Move your thoughts to your desires so that your feelings begin to improve. Continue to move better thoughts.

Sedona Method

Sometimes we experience are situation where no matter how hard we try and what thoughts we reach for the negative feelings stay with us. We are stuck!

This is when I would recommend using the Sedona Method previously detailed in an earlier chapter as If ound it to be very effective in moving persistant fears and allowing me to return to the flow of positive vibrations.

In the Moment

As well as using the Sedona Method if you are feeling overwhelming feelings of fear and worry that you cannot release I find an effective method is to ground my myself in the moment.

Fear and worry is created by negative thoughts of the future. It is driven by all the bas and uncontrollable things that maybe happen in the future. Experience shows that often these worries and fears are unfounded, but as they are vibrational it menas that these conditions are very likely to be the those that you will experience.

To Ground in the Moment you need to ask yourself some questions.

Is the exerperience that I am worrying about going to happen right now?

Is this a life threatening circumstance?

Are there possible outcomes to this situation?

Am I safe where I am right now?

In most cases the answers the answer to these questions will be NO!

So that means you don't have to act right this very minute and that you are safe and there are possible outcomes that are different to those in your thoughts that are generating in our thoughts.

So take a breath!

You're OK. Be calm. You ARE Ok. Now focus on what you want, Not what you fear. Now you're feeling better and can conitnue to look for positive thoughts that promote good feelings. Now we can creating positively.

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