Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Radical Attraction - A Law of Attraction Story

Radical Attraction is a novel of a Steve's adventures which involve in the visitation of difficulty and disaster. Through these disasters, Steve meets the mysterious Gus. A gentelman of suspect fashion sense he takes Steve under his wing and introduces him to the Law of Attraction. 

It seems Gus has a "secret" system  which utilises the Law of Attraction and he begins to teach Steve how to create the things he desires in his life.

For more stuff, go to my website:

In Chapter 5 Steve attempts to conslidate his life after all his "adventures" and begins to learn how to create his desires.

Chapter 5

Soon the fire brigade arrived and quickly extinguished the fire, revealing a totally destroyed car. All Steve could do was stand there and shake his head. This completed the total devastation of Steve’s life as he knew it.

He spent about an hour speaking to police at the scene and there was a gaggle of reporters poking cameras in his face, but such was the shock he was feeling, he didn’t feel able to face their barrage of questions. After a while he had calmed down sufficiently to talk to the police. They listened intently to Steve’s description of the early incidence and like Steve, were trying work out why a mild mannered guy like Steve would be subject to such violent attacks. Maybe it was a case of mistaken identity?

Soon Steve’s mobile phone was alight with calls and text messages from friends, business associates and assorted sticky noses. Steve rang his Mum to let her know what had happened and that he was alright. Then he rang his boss, also to tell him what happened to the car the company owned. He too was stunned by calamities that had descended on Steve’s life and told Steve that there had a spare car in the lot, which Steve could have, as long as he promised he didn’t get it blown up. After Steve completed his statement, the police kindly dropped him back to the office so he could collect the car.

Everybody at the office was concerned for his safety, hoping there were no further attempts on his life. One good thing did come from this. The cheque that the finance manager had promised for Monday was already drawn and ready to pick up. So Steve quickly headed bank, making it just before closing time and cashing the cheque so he had some money for the weekend. He had felt the pangs of paranoia as he parked the car outside the bank, fortunately things went smoothly and he was soon safely back in the car heading towards Mike’s house to pick up the trailer.

True to his word, Mike’s trailer was sitting in the front yard ready to go. As Steve entered the front yard, there was something eerie about the house, as it had all the curtains shut. He quickly attached the trailer to his newly acquired car and set off to his Mum’s to collect the old furniture.

When he arrived at his Mum’s, she was sorting out what she was going to order from the Fish and Chip shop for her and the kids. Joy, Stephanie and Joel were all relieved and pleased to see Steve home and safe. Joy’s face was marked with lines of worry and stress.  Steve explained the events of the afternoon to her and admitted he had only just stopped shaking. She too was bewildered as to why someone would want to do away with her darling son.

The dramas out of the way, they phoned through their order to the Fish and Chip shop. It was a busy night for them and so Steve had enough time to raid the garage of his Mum’s surplus furniture and then head on down to the fish and shop and pick up the 2 large packets that were waiting.

Soon he was home sitting at the dinner table with his Mum and his kids tucking into the mother load of hot steaming fish and chips, accompanied by his favourite potato cakes and battered scallops. It was amazing how simple hot food could sooth the anxieties of such a dramatic day.

They all tucked in and ate more than they should, but Steve felt great pleasure in sharing this simple moment with his kids and his Mum. They told silly jokes and stories and laughed and joked and until their sides hurt. Surely this was what life about. Simple, joyful moments, full of fun and laughter.

After clearing the remnant wrapping and empty soft drink bottles, they took to the couch and settled in for a Harry Potter movie. The dramas of the last day soon drifted away.

After the movie finished, Steve tucked Stephanie and Joel into bed and decided he would go back to his house, just to make sure everything was safe, despite his Mum’s protests.  Soon he was pulling up outside with the trailer load of furniture in tow. Everything looked calm. He unhooked the trailer and pushed into the garage for safety. Parking the car next to it, he locked the door with a padlock and headed inside looking forward to a good nights sleep.

Morning came too soon and Steve dragged himself from bed and started a hot shower, under which he stood for more than 20 minutes, enjoying the warmth of the water on his body. He had a lot planned for the day, but the house was devoid of any food or basic appliances with which to make breakfast. Once dressed, he headed to Phi’s for a load of bacon and eggs and a very stiff cup of coffee.

“Was that you on the news last night?” Asked Phi, deep concern emanating from his voice as Steve entered the cafĂ©.

“Yeah. Unfortunately it was.” Replied Steve.

“What on earth happened to your car?”

“The police said that someone had planted some sort of bomb in it. Your saw the result.”

“My God Steve. First the rogue SVU. Then a bomb. What is happening?”

“I don’t know. Who knows what have I done to make someone want to kill me? The police have got no idea either. So I am hoping that the car blowing up is the last of it. I’m not sure I can handle anymore excitement!’”

“Wow. I mean. You never think these things are ever going to happen to you.”

“ No you don’t. You always expect it to happen to someone else. Anyway, thanks Phi. The way the breakfast is great.”

“You’re welcome anytime. Just make sure stay safe.”

With breakfast hungrily consumed, Steve jumped into the car planning to head to an electrical store to use the money from his cashed in annual leave, to buy a decent TV, toaster, kettle and other miscellaneous items so he could make some decent meals. But as he started the car, he had this nagging feeling he should head to the park. With the day he had planned, he really didn’t think he had time for the park today. But the feeling was persistent and so he headed there. He felt a little stupid for doing such a reactive and apparently frivolous thing on a day when he had a mountain of stuff to do. Regardless, he headed to the park not knowing why he was going there or what to expect.

It was a beautiful morning in the park. The sun was shining, the ducks were making their usual cacophony and there were many people exercising and generally enjoying the beautiful day. Steve made his way to “the bench” and wasn’t really surprised to find that Gus was already ensconced, enjoying the goings on in the park.

“Good morning young man! I thought I might meet you here.”

“Good morning Gus! And strangely enough, I thought I might meet you here too!”

“It seems you’ve become somewhat of a celebrity since I last saw you.” Referring to the bombing incident of the previous day.

“If that’s what it takes to become a celebrity, then I want nothing of it!”

“On a more serious note, how are you?”

“I am OK I think. Apart from a little paranoia creeping in.”

“That’s good. What are you thinking about?”

“I’m thinking why the hell is somebody trying to kill me?”

“That’s a fair question.”

“So what do I do Gus? I’ve lost my wife. I lost just about every possession I have and somebody’s tried to kill me 3 times in the last 24 hours! How do I make sense of all of this?”

“What do you want? I mean deep down in your heart, what do you want?”

“You know it’s funny I was thinking about this when I was driving to the bank before the car blew up!”

Steve went on to tell Gus about his thoughts of prosperity, relationships, health, friendship and the kids and escribe how good these thoughts had made him feel.

“So there’s your answer!”

“We’re back to “think what you want”, aren’t we?”

“ Sure are. Many people believe that the universe allows us to create our lives by matching what we receive to what we think and the vibrations this emits. It answers “like with like”. That’s why we say ‘think what you want’.” Replied Gus.

“I think that’s starting to make sense.”

“So do you want your life to be filled with strife and trouble?”

“Of course not.”

“Well then, to deliberately create the life you desire, you need to manage your thoughts so that you are “thinking what you what.” Explains Gus.

“So what does is it mean for all the things that have just happened in my life. I mean I haven’t been thinking about being murdered or my wife leaving me and taking just about all we possessed!”

“No I am sure you haven’t! But what’s been the overall tone of your thoughts? Have you're thoughts been fearful? Or filled with worry about losing what you have. Or resentful of your wife?”

“Yeah. I’ve been stressed and worried about everything. About my job. About losing the house and the kids I have also been extremely resentful for Jenny and all the stress she put me under. I mean, nothing was ever good enough.”

“So maybe the universe is just returning what you’ve been thinking about!”

“Wow! That’s scary!”

“It can be scary if you create your life by default.


“Default means you’re not conscious of the types of thoughts you’re having.  Then universe delivers to you what ever the content of your thoughts have been. As the thoughts can often be random and negative, this can be a bumpy ride. As you’re finding out!”

“It’s sure been bumpy.”

“If your not conscious of what you are thinking, it can be like living in a game of Russian roulette!”

“That’s why, when I focussed on getting a great sales result instead of all the fear and strife if I didn’t make my budget, things changed for the better.”

“That’s right. That’s a great example. The thoughts you were offering came into alignment with that which you desired and looked what happened!”

“Yeah I had my best result ever! And it was like magic!”

“It can be like magic.”

“So how do you do it? How do you control your thoughts? I mean they can be pretty random. I am sure I hav some negative thoughts I hold habitually. Fear and worry seem to have a way of sneaking up on me and overwhelming me.”

“I agree. Thoughts of fear and worry can be very pervasive, but they can be managed.”

“You think so?”

“Well over my life I’ve developed a bit system which has helped me create a life which has given me great joy and happiness.

“A system?”

“Yeah. A system that I’ve found has helped me create the life I desire.”


“Would you like me to tell you about it?”


“Well it has three parts.”

“Yep. Three parts.”

“Yep. That’s why I like to call it The Three Stages of Creating
“A grand title!”

“You’re right! It is a grand title indeed! It will help you set the type of thoughts you  have. ”

‘So I am no longer creating my life default?’

“Exactly! Now the first stage is. ‘Intend’.”


“Yes. Intend. Most people hope, wish and want for the things they desire. Hoping, wishing and wanting shows they don’t really think these things will happen. You doubt the universe will answer your desires.Do you think you’ve done that?”

“Sure.  It seems that you’re never going to have the things you desire. So you hope and wish that you have plenty of money or can take the family on overseas holidays or buy nice cars. Sure I’ve hoped, wished and wanted plenty!”

“So if the universe returns like with like and you’re hoping, wishing and wanting what do you experiences do you think you might receive?”

“Huh?” Steve was a bit confused.

“I know it might seem a bit confusing. But it’s important. If you are wishing, hoping and wanting for a new car are the thoughts of having the car?” Gus patiently asked.

“No. Their thoughts of wishing, hoping and wanting a car.” Steve replied.

“They’re not thoughts of having the car are they?”

“No.” Steve replied hesitantly.

“The difference is subtle but key. Thoughts of hoping, wishing and wanting maybe about your desired car but they will only perpetuate your separation from your desires because the experience you will receive will be one of hoping, wishing and wanting! Not the experience of having the car.”

“Ok.” Steve seems to be grasping the idea.

“So instead of wishing and hoping we can ‘intend.’ ”

“That's right. Now we can say, “I intend to have a great new car.’ Can you see the difference in tone? ”

“I think so.” Answered Steve.

“When you intend there is no doubt that the universe will respond. By “intending” we are announcing to the universe our desire.”

“An announcement to the universe……which is free of hoping, wishing and wanting?”


“And this is thinking what I want?”

“Well it’s the first stage.”

“That’s the first stage? Excuse me while I’m not overwhelmed”


“It doesn’t seem very dynamic.”

“You shouldn’t be so easy to judge. Over the next few days try it and then come back and tell me what you think.”

“Ok. I will.”

Gus continued. “You see most of us have think about our desires in terms of “wishing, hoping and wanting. Agreed?”


“So The Three Stages of Creating will help you change this habit type so you can get to where you think what you want free of wishing, hoping and wanting.”

“That’s sound great! When do I start?

 “Right now! Ask yourself “What do I intend?”

“What do I intend? Yep,” Nodded Steve.

“So what I want you to do is look at what you’re doing in you life and ask, ”What do I intend?”

“I intend to mend my life.”

“Not bad.”

“Ok. I intend to……have my kids back and safe.”

“Better.” Responded Gus.

“Alright. I intend to… and renovate my house.”


“I intend to make great sales at work.”


Steve was warming t the task.

“I intend to be highly paid for my work!”


“I intend to be abundant and prosperous!”

“Excellent! How does that make you feel?”

“Really positive. Really Good!”

“And that’s what we want! When you are feeling good, your thoughts and desires are in alignment!”

“Wow! That’s heavy! So feeling good is good!”

“Really good! So I think we’ve covered enough for one day.” Announced Gus.

“I think you’re right! When can I see you next? Can I ring you on your mobile?”

“You could if I had one. You’ll know when to come and see me.”

And before Steve could protest Gus had disappeared once more!

Steve was starting to think all this sudden disappearing was becoming a bit annoying! He “intended” to let Gus know the next time he saw him. He also intended to have a good day.

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