Monday, September 10, 2012

An Easy Law of Creation Process.

A little while ago I distilled a creation process, that works for me, down to a fairly concise form. I was looking at it this week and felt I should share it, so here it is.


Appreciate where you are and be ready for more. You need to be in a good place to start.

You can't create great things when all you focus is how bad things are. That's where gratitude comes in. If you are thankful for what we have and where we are, it places you in a positive vibrational frame from where good things can happen.

Be thankful for  your partner, even though sometimes might be rocky. Remember the good times and the beautiful children you've created.

Be thankful for the house you live in, even though it may not be a mansion. Think of the great times you've had there.

Be thankful of your body, even though it may not be the exact shape that you like. Remember  all the good things it's carried you through and allowed you to do.

Be thankful for the job you have, even it feels like a dead end sometimes. Think of the things the money has allowed you to do.

Be thankful for your car. It may not be the latest uropean model, but appreciate all the places its taken you to.

Be thankful........

 Think what you want.

Imagine: "How good could things be?"

These thoughts should be free of rational constraint. They should be unconditional. That is they should not be:

"If I get this job, I'll have this money, then I can buy this house."

"If I enough money I would travel."

"If I was thinner I'd be happy."

We are invoking the universe to create our desire and the method of fulfillmet of desire should be left to the divine.

It is important  to focus on how good life can be to keep you in vibration with your desires. These thoughts should bring a feeling of wellbeing. This indicates that you vibrations are  in alignment with your desires.

Use "The Three Phases Of Creation".

This a dynamic creation process that utilises the Law of Attraction. As you move through each phase it is designed intensify your vibration to the point of receiving.

The Phases are:

Intention: We set an intention as to our desire. Setting an intention, "I intend to excel in my work." has implied movement to our desire. It is more powerful the setting a goal, because there is no implied action. A goal is static, "My goal is to excel at my work." but you are not bound to action.

I Intend to be Abundant. 
I Intend to be joyful. 
I Intend to be happy. 

Expectation: If you set an intention, but your expectation is that you will not succeed,"I'm never going to get a decent job." then the vibration you are setting is one of failure and the Law of Attraction will respond accordingly.

I expect great results in my work.
I expect an easy flow of money.  
I expect to be highly paid for my work.

I Am!: At this point you will be in vibrational alignment with your desires and in a place to receive them. 

I am flush with money. 
I am loving my ideal work!
I am highly paid.

For more on the "Three Phases of Creation" go to: Practical Attraction

Release Negativity

Even when you start engaging the Law of Attraction in his manner, you will find that the old thought habits will not take a holiday. Thoughts of fear and worry can disrupt the possitive vibrations that you are trying to create,

There are many methods that you can use to dislodge and shift this negativity and move back into vibrational alignement. They include:

Bach Flower Remedies
Aroma Therapy
Sedona Method

Whenever you feel that you are being overwhelmed by old thought patterns use the method of releasing negativity that suits you, so that you can stay in alignment with your desires.

Have a try! It takes practice. The thoughts and feelings we hold about ourselves can be deeply ingrained and can take some effort to overcome, so when those negative feelings arrive, work hard release them. Then re-focus on your intention, expecation and I Am! thoughts. When you again feel good, you're on track!




Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Getting a Job with the LOA - Part 2

Well  it's been three weeks since I was advised that I am to be made redudnant. A lot has happened in this 3 weeks. We closed the store on 19/0812 and then spent the next 5 days stripping all the stock and displays out of the store. A very sad process.

Many of my colleagues have secured jobs with the same retailer, most having to accept less conditions and rates of pay. Over the last week it was not easy to descend into a state of panic because I still haven't secured employment yet. The nicest thing has been that 2 people advised me of an opportunity or proposed me to prospective employers. The flow seems right and I am currently waiting to hear if I will receive an offer, after an interview at a company that feels a good fit. The other position is with a major company and their processes are creeping along at snails pace and so I am having to maintain my patience.

The amazing thing is that since the weekend I have felt calm, positive and happy. I have really enjoyed this experience but at times there is a little nagging voice of the rational mind, that I should be overcome by fear and in a total state of panic as I am  about to become unemployed with little security.

In spite of this I have been able to maintain an expectation that good things will come from this circmsatnce. The weirdest thing about this is, that after a couple of years of feeling stuck in my job , I now feel liberated. All the pushing and resistance against that job is gone and now I feel in the flow to a great new role and positive outcomes in my life.

For me this is the key to using the Law of Attraction in our lives. 

Stop pushing and resisting. Allow positivity into your life. Maintain confidence in you ability to manage, cope, live through what might seem an ordeal. Confidence is the expectation of success and so if you can maintain your confidence, the Law of Attraction will respond. This can require courage and overcome of negative, engrained thought patterns but the reward will be the life you desire.

If you would like to read more about the Law Of Attraction and my dynamic creation system, "Three Phases of Creation", go to my web site:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Getting a new job with the LOA

Well an interesting day?! Dragged into work on my day off for a hastily called store to discover that the store is being closed and that I, along with all my colleagues are being declared redundant.

At my advanced age and in these trying economic times logic would tell that I should be terrified. Paradoxically I feel relieved that I am leaving the store where I have spent the last 4 1/2 years. Economically it has been difficult as the store has been hit by the GFC, then receivership and takeover, then closing down then re-opening under a new brand. The proverbial roller coaster!

I have been trying to find a new job for some but try as I might I have not been able to leave and have felt stuck there! But now I am free! On the drive home I felt released. Released from the struggle this job has been for the last 4 years. As I drove there was a flow of energy, a flow of positivity and a feeling of optimism which is quite bizarre considering the circumstances.

The job as a salesman in a retail electrical store has been a bit of disaster financially but has allowed a period of significant personal growth. I no longer feel naive and a misfit overwhelmed by incredibly negative and pervasive feelings. I feel like I can oprerate in the "real" world to a great degree, rather than feeling somewhat of a freak.

So now the fun begins! It is really interesting to watch different peoples reactions to be being made redunant. For most the reaction is "OMG", what a disaster! What am I going to do and they race round in panic because they are not used to operating without the safety net of a job and the whole concept of not knowing what the future holds. But the question I have to ask is why can't these thoughts be positive.

"I've had 4 1/2 years of great experience. I've accomplished a great deal. I've learnt alot! Now I have an opportunity for a great new job. I can have better conditions. Better pay. Better opportunity. This will be a great time for me. I was looking to make a move. The time is here to make a great move."

I do have to admit that this not a new experience for me and as it has happened a number of times to me in the past, the most notable being two weeks before our daughter was born and it was in the same week that my wife stopped working. But in it stung me into action to find a new job which I acheived within a week, although interestingly the position I gained was one that I had applied for prior to me being retrenched and it was like the planets aligned to give me a position that was more senior, better paid, better car and in general just better!

So the issue I have now is that everybody is running around looking for position in another store of the group we work for and this created a state of panic for me. Where previously I've been able to maintain a calm and positive demeanour. So I began looking at ringing other stores and proprietors, but I feel a negative restistance to this ,s I would prefer not to work in a retail store in the future. The risk is being without a position in 3 weeks when the redundancy takes effect. So do I just take any position or do I continue to focus on creating my ideal job. This is a bit like doing the trapese without a net. I think we all pine for security. Do we have the belief and the confidence to aim for the very best result or do we compromise for the first thing that comes along?

The major part of me wants to aim for a great new position, but there is a little tinge of concen in the background of the consquences if the great new job doesn't appear. It is this tinge of doubt which is the enemy of those that are deliberately creating wiht the Law Of Attraction. This is the obstacle to receiving of deisres. Are you expecting success or are you expecting failure? This is the critical factor.

So it's "success" for me. CONFIDENCE is the expectation of success! Maintaining confidence that future will be great and and you handle everything that arrives will guarantee a positive future!

"I am expecting success!"

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Feelings and The Law of Attraction

It is in interesting experiment to notice the feelings that you regularly feel when you are under pressure, having difficulty with others or experiencing lack of prosperity. Move to a better level of expectation in these circumstances and your life can only improve. By becoming familiar with you feelings we can then change our feelings by improving our expectancy and our therefore our life. Most of us travel through life with scant regard for what we actually feel. Life is dominated by a bombardment of stimuli, information, conflict and daily stress. True familiarity with your feelings requires some quiet time and reflection, but once mastered your feelings can your compass in life, directing you to good times and happiness.

I wrote this in the last blog and it has become a focus for me the last few days. Often when we are trying to change our life by changing our dominant thoughts,but our ingrained thoughts and feelings from our old behaviours, have a way of sneaking into our consciousness and before you know it your back into you old modes behaviour.

For me it's what I call my "little boy"  who rears his ugly head. When faced with adversity he gives up easily and whinges how hard things are and carries on about how easy it is for others with their natural ability and good things always happen to them, but its always a struggle for me and I never win.............. on and on.As you can see it is pervasively negative and it has taken me a long tome to work out how destructive this is and has been.

These ingrained thought patterns is different in all of us but of course the text is different for all of us and even is even profoundly positive in some people, but they're not usually the ones seeking profound change in their lives. But a key skill to achieve is to recognise when these thoughts and feeling are sneaking up and understand that often the text of the narration is patently false and just a learnt response that has evolved as you have been challenged in you life. 

I found that by a taking a few seconds to stop and make a check of my feelings when I start to feel bad in situations of stress or duress, I have learnt to recognise the "little boy". For me the feelings resides in the sola plexus or third chakras and I have now got to the point that I know that it is sitting there. Often I have used the Sedona Method to release it,(Link to: which is often effective. also recently I have found that I can question this often illogical fear. The key here is that the tone of the thoughts is pervasively pessimistic and by making a more positive thought I can overcome its negativity and move forward in my life.

So when fear overwhelms I question myself:

"If this disaster occurs can I manage the outcome? Am I confident enough in my own ability and strength to live through what ever it is and accept all outcomes?"

So far I have been able to say yes each time and is a great inoculation against the creep of fear which puts in a place of feeling better and as the Law of Attraction returns "like with like" I am position of receiving more positive outcomes rather than the never ending negativity that the "Little boy" has brought my life.

If you would like to read about my dynamic creation system, "Three Phases of Creation", go to my web site:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What are you expecting?

I was looking back at some of my old  Blog Posts, and it struck me that many of them covered things that I am currently addressing. The posts that struck me most, were about "Expectation".

It’s your level of expectation that determines how effectively you create when deliberately creating using the LOA.”

This can be interpreted as, to create with The Law of Attraction you must have an expectation that you are going to receive your desires. If you hold visions of your desire but your expectation is low, as in, "Nothing good ever happens to me!", then  the possibility of success is very low.

Previously I have written about an idea I called the “Expectancy Scale”. It consists of a range of feelings that you might have about the likely hood of receiving you desires. The range is:


The idea is that the further down the scale towards the Depression you are, the less likely that you are going to receive your desires. So by identifying where on the scale you are in relation to the feelings you hold about what you are deliberately creating, you can improve your chances of creating by moving your expectations up the scale.

I have found that if I search around for feelings I often find fear and doubt hidden in the turmoil of the goings on of life. They are not at the forefront of my experience but they are underlying everything, separating me from my desires. The thoughts we need to create our desires must generate feelings of joy and certainty. Hoping and wishing for outcomes will hold you from your desires. Feelings of high expectation and positivity will advance your desires.

These underlying feelings of fear and trepidation accurately describe my life for the last 50 years. If you live your life as though the sky is going to fall at any particular moment, then life is going to be a very bumpy ride!
I can tell you mine has been a very bumpy ride.

But now I am smoothing out the road by choosing better thoughts and am truly amazed at how much better life can be.

I wrote this over 2 years ago. Last week I have had a strong  feeling to revisit these ideas, because although I had made good progress, at this time, I am finding my understanding now is better.

Many people are drawn to harnessing The Law of Attraction in their lives and they work hard at keeping their desires as the dominant  thoughts they hold, but often they are disappointed that they are not able to create their desires. 

The whole key to successful manifestation is alignment. An alignment between your desires and the thoughts you hold about yourself and those desires. Our feelings indicate our level  of alignement. Feeling good! You're in alignment. Feeling bad. You're not in alignment.

Through our lives experience we develop a framework of expectations. It is catalogue of cause and effect. It is the lessons we have learnt about how life will treat us. This boils down to, "I do this........and this is likely to happen." This is expectation In it's crudest form. Expectation feeds into the Law of Attraction, because if life has regularly taught you don't happen and that life is generally a struggle and prosperity is hard to come by, then even though you may hold your desires at the forefront of your thoughts, it is the prism of these negative expectations that holds you from your desires. As the Law of Attraction returns "Like with like" a life filled with negative expectations will be perpetuated as the Law of Attraction matches expectations of poor outcomes with continuing poor experiences. So the key is, if you are to change your life experience you must change your expectations. If you are not expecting to receive a great deal of joy, then you won't receive it. Lack and struggle will continue to arrive.

With that it mind, the old blog talks of "The Expectancy Scale" a tool to help you change your expectations so that you can receive your desires. A key issue I have found is that there a great deal of subtlty in our feelings, to the point that we can hold an underlying feeling of struggle or lack and because it has been with us a long time, we don't recognise it as such. It's just the feeling that we have carried with ourselves for a long time. It has become a habit and therefore we don't recognise that it is actually holding us in the place that we don't want to be. We can break free from this place by moving our expectation  we can change our life experience.

As described earlier, the "Expectancy Scale" is a range of expectancies that we may hold in our lives about receiving our desires. By identifying where you are on the scale and knowing the feeling this brings, we can move our feelings along the scale by looking for the for the feeling a higher level of expectation would bring. So if we felt Melancholy about the likely hood of receiving our desires, we could think about our desires in terms of being Expectant in receiving our desires. Create an image of receiving your desire. Feel the joy of knowing you desire is about to arrive. Hold that feeling. Know that feeling, so that if and when the feelings of Melancholy and sadness threaten, we can again move to a better place. With persistence and practice we can change our habitual feeling to one which allow great things into our lives.

It is in interesting experiment to notice the feelings that you regularly feel when you are under pressure, having difficulty with others or experiencing lack of prosperity. Move to a better level of expectation in these circumstances and your life can only improve. By becoming familiar with you feelings we can then change our feelings by improving our expectancy and our therefore our life. Most of us travel through life with scant regard for what we actually feel. Life is dominated by a bombardment of stimuli, information, conflict and daily stress. True familiarity with your feelings requires some quiet time and reflection, but once mastered your feelings can your compass in life, directing you to good times and happiness.

 Sometimes our feelings can overwhelm us. Feelings don't hold substance and are not always a true reflection of what we are experiencing in life. They are often a learnt response to certain situations and experiences and as such if we can change we are expecting in a given situation, we can change our lives experiences. Change your expectation and change your life!

If you like to read more about Expectation and the dynamic Law of Attraction creatio system, go to:

Expect The Best!

I sometimes find that in creating with Law Of Attraction, I get all tangled in knots. Monitoring feelings. Choosing a better thought. Getting burdened with the persistent thoughts and feelings of fear and negativity that won’t go away.

Worrying about the vibrations that I am emmitting and how they might impede the arrival of what I desire. Trying to ensure that I am in a position of allowing.

Then the other day I had the simplest of thoughts about how to handle this.

                                             EXPECT THE BEST!

An immediate remedy for doubt and fear, it puts you in the vibration of you're greatest desires.

Overcome with fear about your future? Reach for thoughts of your ideal job.

Worried about money? Imagine quick and easy flows of cash.

Concerned about your weight and the way you look? Envisage the svelt and attractive you. Looking great!

Notice the good feelings these ideas bring. This will create vibrations in alignment with your desires improving your ability to receive.

Go on try it! Picture a life full of the possible outcomes. It truly will be a great life.

If you like to read more about Expectation and the "Three Phases of Creation", dynamic Law of Attraction creation system, go to:


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thoughts and inspiration from today.

We are defined by the thoughts we hold about ourselves.

and a quote sent to me: