Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Getting a new job with the LOA

Well an interesting day?! Dragged into work on my day off for a hastily called store to discover that the store is being closed and that I, along with all my colleagues are being declared redundant.

At my advanced age and in these trying economic times logic would tell that I should be terrified. Paradoxically I feel relieved that I am leaving the store where I have spent the last 4 1/2 years. Economically it has been difficult as the store has been hit by the GFC, then receivership and takeover, then closing down then re-opening under a new brand. The proverbial roller coaster!

I have been trying to find a new job for some but try as I might I have not been able to leave and have felt stuck there! But now I am free! On the drive home I felt released. Released from the struggle this job has been for the last 4 years. As I drove there was a flow of energy, a flow of positivity and a feeling of optimism which is quite bizarre considering the circumstances.

The job as a salesman in a retail electrical store has been a bit of disaster financially but has allowed a period of significant personal growth. I no longer feel naive and a misfit overwhelmed by incredibly negative and pervasive feelings. I feel like I can oprerate in the "real" world to a great degree, rather than feeling somewhat of a freak.

So now the fun begins! It is really interesting to watch different peoples reactions to be being made redunant. For most the reaction is "OMG", what a disaster! What am I going to do and they race round in panic because they are not used to operating without the safety net of a job and the whole concept of not knowing what the future holds. But the question I have to ask is why can't these thoughts be positive.

"I've had 4 1/2 years of great experience. I've accomplished a great deal. I've learnt alot! Now I have an opportunity for a great new job. I can have better conditions. Better pay. Better opportunity. This will be a great time for me. I was looking to make a move. The time is here to make a great move."

I do have to admit that this not a new experience for me and as it has happened a number of times to me in the past, the most notable being two weeks before our daughter was born and it was in the same week that my wife stopped working. But in it stung me into action to find a new job which I acheived within a week, although interestingly the position I gained was one that I had applied for prior to me being retrenched and it was like the planets aligned to give me a position that was more senior, better paid, better car and in general just better!

So the issue I have now is that everybody is running around looking for position in another store of the group we work for and this created a state of panic for me. Where previously I've been able to maintain a calm and positive demeanour. So I began looking at ringing other stores and proprietors, but I feel a negative restistance to this ,s I would prefer not to work in a retail store in the future. The risk is being without a position in 3 weeks when the redundancy takes effect. So do I just take any position or do I continue to focus on creating my ideal job. This is a bit like doing the trapese without a net. I think we all pine for security. Do we have the belief and the confidence to aim for the very best result or do we compromise for the first thing that comes along?

The major part of me wants to aim for a great new position, but there is a little tinge of concen in the background of the consquences if the great new job doesn't appear. It is this tinge of doubt which is the enemy of those that are deliberately creating wiht the Law Of Attraction. This is the obstacle to receiving of deisres. Are you expecting success or are you expecting failure? This is the critical factor.

So it's "success" for me. CONFIDENCE is the expectation of success! Maintaining confidence that future will be great and and you handle everything that arrives will guarantee a positive future!

"I am expecting success!"

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